Just look up larch bonsai online, or even on this site. All sorts of deadwood work is possible with them.
I have poked around through pictures and literature. I'm wondering since it's a conifer that sheds it's needles if it would be like a Mable that would just she'd or drop off any Deadwood. Or just cover it up. Maybe that is something I would just deal with in the future.
There's a handy little chart
Some deciduous species have very good decay resistance actually and some conifers poor. Different information sources list thing differently of course and sapwood ratings might be different than heartwood. This is the first chart I googled up just now, others will differ. Western larch here is generally considered a pretty good wood for outside use, decent decay resistance. View attachment 129259
Where do you live?Does any one have experience with deadwooding the top of a larch sorta going for the lightening strike look. Is that possible with these trees they are not very common where I live.
I'm in Sechelt BC it's near vancouvrrWhere do you live?
I'm in Sechelt BC it's near vancouvrr