Spuds Moyogi
The discussion on cultural influences on bonsai made me think of one of the overlooked related arts in Japan that is kind of unique. Bonkei is a cross between penjing, painting and bonsai. It predates bonsai in Japan. It is a containerized artwork (tray or even a frame) that incorporates artificial, natural and in some cases living 

elements to create scenes. This is extremely similar to penjing in China.
One Kadansha press book from Japan, published in 1970 is about the only text I've seen on Bonkei, although I occasionally see FB posts with them various sources in Japan. Below are some examples of Bonkei.

One Kadansha press book from Japan, published in 1970 is about the only text I've seen on Bonkei, although I occasionally see FB posts with them various sources in Japan. Below are some examples of Bonkei.