Critique and Style advice wanted for JBP

Pines should have deeper pots than other trees. Also have seen said that shallow pots hold more H2O bad for root rot;).

I agree that pines are usually in deeper pots, it's not always true:

The "rule of thumb" is that trees look best when they are potted in a container whose depth is roughly equal to the diameter of the trunk.

Many pines feature big trunks, and so deep pots look good:


This tree has the same feeling as Jrs tree. It's a Japanese Red Pine. With time, Jrs tree will fill out its pads and can have a similiar look. I think the pot for this tree is perfect:


As to the shallow pot holding more water leading to root rot... I think you've got that mixed up. That water is spread out over a wider area so the soil doesn't get soggy. Especially using an open mix.
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