Copper Fungicide - What Brand

Thomas J.

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DFW area
What brand of copper fungicide do you guys use? I've never had an issue with my JBPs in all the years I've been working with them but now I do and I have to work fast because the needle cast is spreading quickly. These last few summers with the intolerable heat for a few months without end, must be having some effect on their health and causing them to weaken a lot. I've avoided watering the foliage all summer so with the dry heat I'm not sure why this is happening but I lost one tree already because of the issue. Also how often do you use the stuff and I'm assuming you do a drench? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
I use whatever brand is in stock. Just read the label to check the active ingredient and instructions for application.
Bonide is what I have. Just follow the instructions. (I use it as a foliar spray.)
Thomas, I don’t have a copper fungicide recommendation, but I had an issue with needle cast on my JBP the first couple years I started. Based on other recommendations here, I found using Daconil in my fungicide rotation really helped. I use the concentrate, not the spray.
Thomas, I don’t have a copper fungicide recommendation, but I had an issue with needle cast on my JBP the first couple years I started. Based on other recommendations here, I found using Daconil in my fungicide rotation really helped. I use the concentrate, not the spray.
Yeah I use Daconil also on just about any of my trees that have a fungal issue but it doesn't seem to be working for pines at this point. :-(
Hoping the copper fungicide will work.
I live in DFW too and have had good luck with Phyton 27 in rotation with any copper fungicide.

Follow directions closely.
I get horrific powdery mildew. Bonide works great as long as I start before it does…
I use daconil and copper fungicide by Bonide.
In addition, I use Infuse granular systemic fungicide that is also made by Bonide
Three Possibles from my experience!
Daconil, Mancozeb and Bonide Infuse granular.
Best results, hands down the systemic " Infuse " granular.
Basically has eliminated the issue from my nursery for years with preventative use. Also effective initially to put a stop to needle cast. Other products helped but not the same control.
BTW - Phyton 27 is Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate.
"Silver Bullet"
I was under the impression that we can only stop needle cast in Spring and wait for infected needles to be replaced, or physically remove them.
I dont see anything wrong with attempting control now especially systemically, but from Adairs point, I don't think it's really going to help. Any disease pressure suppression seems ok if it doesn't affect naturally occurring fungi in the soil beyond recovery.
Copper fungicide is a commodity product. It’s just an aqueous solution of copper sulfate. AFAIK, if the concentration is identical, there is nothing special about any manufacturer’s formulation that would differentiate it from another’s.
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