Two weeks after cutting back, the myrtle is now back-budding very nicely; some buds are barely starting to bulge but most are dark green and very visible, and about a dozen buds or so are starting to sprout, light green and looking enthusiastic. For those with experience, then, I might have a question: How much sun is convenient for this plant at this point? It seems to tolerate dryness quite well, but I am still afraid to expose it to the hardest midday sun. Would strong sun encourage sprouting at this point of the process, or would there be a risk of strong sun drying the sprouts? For the past week I have been placing it inside next to a large window that lets in lots of light, but I am now experimenting with taking it out under the sunlight in the sunniest part of the greenhouse, only puttting it back inside for a while around noon when the sun is strongest...