About 2 years ago before we moved, everyday I would drive past this really steep cliff about 20 ft from the highway going almost vertical - it had about 10 to 15 really old stunted pine trees growing straight out of the rock face. Some were within reach to grab, with a small amount of work. I believe most were loblolly, which are kind of rare to find stunted like they were.
Well every time I passed them I thought man, I need to find out how to collect them. I called around to different offices, nobody could tell me anything and had no idea who I should talk to. After awhile I gave up and was just going to go grab some - Well then just like that, one day out of nowhere a road-side cleanup crew came along and started cutting down all the pine trees along the highway. They had workers repelling down the cliff and just completely cleaned off the rock face and killed all of them.
I should have just collected them when I had the chance.