Collecting Hawthorn

The hawthorn I collected in 2022 and planted in the ground in the spring of 2023 to let it thicken the trunk, did just that. See post #6 in this thread. The leaves were just starting to turn color a little now, so I collected it. I did chop some off the long top leader and a few branches that would not be used, otherwise I left as much foliage as possible. If the tree survives next spring after this collection, I have a decision to make about a further chop. The reason being that the main trunk grows out the back side and has little taper. I have marked in red and black two potential future chops and wonder what people think the best approach would be. If the tree back buds after a chop at the red mark, a new leader might develop that would put taper into that section. Otherwise, a chop at the black mark would face to the rear and use that good branch as the new leader.
Wowzo! Good job doing that. Looks very nice and that trunk in one years growth is amazing!
Wowzo! Good job doing that. Looks very nice and that trunk in one years growth is amazing!
I have read and watched some videos that extoll the virtue of growing in the ground to thicken trunks. It certainly worked in this case. I was tempted to go another growing season in the ground, but that spot was vulnerable to snow coming off the roof and opted to collect it.
I have read and watched some videos that extoll the virtue of growing in the ground to thicken trunks. It certainly worked in this case. I was tempted to go another growing season in the ground, but that spot was vulnerable to snow coming off the roof and opted to collect it.
Yes, you are certainly correct about the in-ground planting. I had several yamadori in Anderson flats that I set on the top of the soil in some old flowerpot wine barrels. They went crazy with nice new dark green growth all over. You should have seen the roots sticking out when I pulled them up. I just ordered two metal raised beds, 8' and 6' that I will install before winter. Makes a world of difference.
Here is an update on the hawthorn I collected this spring shown in post 49 in this thread. I did some carving on the stump today to get an idea of a direction for future carving and I was surprised by the extent of the die back. There is one small branch on the back side near the top, the rest of the branches that appeared this spring are lower down. It is now starting to drop its leaves and I will do nothing further with it this year.hawthorn 49 in May.jpghawthorn 49 a.jpghawthorn 49 b.jpg
This popped up on one of my social media feeds, Hawthorn being collected now in the UK. The material looks very unique


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