Collecting from my own landscape redo

Its gonna be the Elms and mulberries, Buckthorn and etc....that I'm after!

The..."oh you want those?" Ones!

Yes I want those! Fuck your forsythia! Lol!

If you want all of the above plus Pyrus, you know where to find me.
I’ve not cut back the forsythias in the 15+ years I’ve been here. I’ll have to cut my way into the hedge to even see the “trunks”.
Here's some more on the Banana Shrub mentioned in the OP. The more I look at it, I think it may by the most promising plants in the yard.

Michelia Fuscata
The Banana Shrub or Port Wine Magnolia' (Michelia figo) is an evergreen tree growing to 3-4 m tall. It is native to China,Asia.
It is cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens for its fragrant flowers. The leaves are leathery, dark glossy-green, to 10 cm long. The flowers are cream-white, purple rounded or light-purple; strongly scented. This plant is used in Shanghai, China, as a tall evergreen hedge. It makes a large evergreen compact tree. It grows in acid and alkaline soil very well
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