Cjr bald cypress literati in BoulderBear stone pot


Imperial Masterpiece
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Finally got my hand on the stone pot @Boulder Bear gave me. After a lot of head scratching I decided to put a BC in this absolutely gorgeous pot. As you can see in the following pictures, each side of the pot has its own characteristics. I am very pleased with the pot.
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very nice. this tree looks like it would look great in the weeping style. I would love to see it with some better backlighting, as currently its very hard to differentiate detail, but i quite like it!
Pictures were taken right after the repot. I like it so much I had to share. The tree was recently collected and styled so the top potentially can be very different. Right now I am keeping any foliage it developed. I am pleased to report that the roots are growing as well.
While doing some research I came upon this thread. Looking at a similar project with my Peve Minaret...
Great job on the tree and the pot selection!
I must add that I absolutely love the stone pot by @Boulder Bear. Once I move to PA and start to put my trees into nice pots, stone pots definitely will be in consideration.
Beside the fact that I think the pot is gorgeous, I actually like the weight of the pot very much for this tree. I can change the bend and shift the weight of the top around and the tree still looks and feels stable & connected.
Could not agree more. It seems to match the strength of the tree itself...
Great job so far! Love the pot...😁 Did you get it directly from them or MIrai?
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Growing well this spring. Soon all original wiring and paracord will be removed. No action plan until I see the tree bare.
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