Chinese Privet (ligustrum sinense)


Imperial Masterpiece
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Austin, TX (Zone 8b)
I was at Walmart last night and noticed 2 decent sized mallsai Chinese Privet (1.25: trunk maybe) for less than $15.00 each. I believe they are great bargain even though they are "S" curved as usual.

Anyway, I am wondering if I can graft Chinese Privet to a Japanese Privet since I have a large Japanese (wax leaf) privet I collected more than a year ago that will look much better with smaller foliage.

Input appreciated. Thank you.
Dario I think it would work well as they are the same general species. There is a thread here where a guy grafted plum to apricot. I wrote in it how I see these trees in Florida called fruit cocktail with 4 different varieties of citrus grafted on one tree.

I imagine it would work too- everything I know of grafting seems to indicate that similar species will graft just fine- IF it is done right of course!

There was a thread here recently where a guy took an S curved bonsai like this- I think it was an Elm- and air layered the top off of it to produce two trees that both had better looking movement than the original! Might be a better option for these little trees... You didn't take a picture of them did you?
Thanks guys!

No, I did not take pics...just regular "S" mallsai anyway :o. As mentioned by Eric, I might airlayer one or just chop it and plant the cuttings later. Not sure yet since I didn't even look at it much...too busy with other stuff.

Both are sending lots of shoots but very lanky and weak looking. Probably growing while in a shipping container from China. ;) I'll let it recover and re-visit in a month or so.
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