Chinese elm woke up, started growing like crazy, then dropped a bunch of its new leaves a few weeks later.


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Had some warm weather around a month ago and my outdoor elm, which I've had for +5 years, started to wake up and grow like crazy. A few weeks later, we had one day where it was ~40 degrees and since them my Chinese elm stopped sprouting new buds and has dropped quite a few of it's new leaves. It's never woken up and then quickly gone dormat again, so I just want to make sure it'll be okay, or if there's anything I should do. Thanks!
Noob myself, so grain of salt or ten.

Elms in general are hardy, and adaptable. Give it regular care for the season you're in and it will likely bounce back. No new fertilizer if that was ever part of the regimen.
To be certain, you're keeping it outdoors in the sun and air? Is it in a shallow bonsai pot with substrate, or a nursery pot in regular planting soil?

Others can give you more detailed advice, especially if you add a rough location or at least a USDA growing zone to your profile. Helps allot with knowing your specific circumstances.
Pics can help, too
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Yeah pics!

Welcome to Crazy!

Shouldn't have halted from 40degrees.

Was it 40f during day or night? If it was during the day then it most likely went below freezing at night and if that was the case it may have suffered from frost damage.
A storm nearly defoliated an elm of mine. I'm pretty confident it will bounce back, but certainly wasn't pleasing to find it like that when I returned home from work!
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