JohnFranklin - Zone 7b
I am hoping someone can provide some direction. I root pruned (first root prune ever) four Chinese Elms today (03/04/2023) see the attached photo. Each tree is five years old this month, grown from seed and are 2.5 to 3 ft in height. I have two questions, can I prune back the limbs and the trunk later this season or is it best to wait for the roots to really heal, like next season? Upon root pruning, I placed them in a very bonsai 'ish soil mixture (yeah, dumb description) but I do know it drains much better than potting soil. Historically they have been in a potting soil\bonsai soil mixture, maybe 60\40. So my second question is, can I anticipate watering more frequently this summer given the change in drainage? I haven't envisioned the style for the trees as I should have, however I am thinking the broom style (Hokidachi). Thanks, any input will be appreciated.