WNC Bonsai
Anyone have experience with nepenthes? Not sure If it’s better inside or out. We have dehumidifiers in the house now so I bet they won’t like it inside too much. I could get a terrarium set up though I suppose. I think this one is nepenthes alata? Is under a bench like this a good spot? I’m struggling to find a place for it with low light but high humidity. I’m already in love though.
When I ran the greenhouse in college I amassed a large collection of nepenthes acquired as cuttings from other large greenhouse collections in the Wash. DC area. I found they really needed the humidity and warmth of a green house environment. I am pretty sure they would do well outside in the Sand Hills but come winter it will be a challenge to keep them alive. They probably won’t make it through the winter their either as they are tropicals and will need to be moved inside—good luck.