Care sheet for Japanese Five Needle Pine please!

Hope this helps

There is a basic care guide here - simple one page guide.

There is also this article about energy flow

This one about needle drop

This one about needle cast
Bonsai Basho,
Excellent web site. Thank you for putting all this information on line for others to see.
Thanks for posting this! It's exactly what I was looking for!

Did you write all these articles?
Bonsai Basho

Hi guys, yes we write many of the articles and produce videos but we also take in good articles from quality authors. We are lucky to have some great people onboard like Peter Warren who has been through a full apprenticeship in Japan with Master Kunio Kobayashi and Marco Invernizzi who was trained by Master Masahiko Kimura plus some home grown talent like Kevin Willson who is one of the best in Europe.

We are just trying to make something good for Bonsai people that will help them along and where they can read, contact and trade. We don't have a forum because there are fantastic forums out there already like Bonsai Nut.

Feel free to take part in what we hope will become a worldwide network for bonsai people. Please feel free to enjoy.
Bingo, Dingo!

And...keep track of what purpose each branch is or sacrifice; which will get easier each year!
Brian -- The Bonsai Today #84 just arrived -- the article is great! Very clear and detailed. Thanks for the suggestion. Now I just have to get my hands on some good 5-6 year-old zuisho cuttings/grafts.

Brian -- The Bonsai Today #84 just arrived -- the article is great! Very clear and detailed. Thanks for the suggestion. Now I just have to get my hands on some good 5-6 year-old zuisho cuttings/grafts.


Great to hear. I'd be curious to find the International BONSAI issues Bill mentioned as well. But, for 'Zuisho' stock, the two places I know of are:

Brent Walston's Evergreen Gardenworks:

Julian Adams' Adams' Bonsai:

A 4-year progression of my 'Zuisho' is at:

Hi Yamins,

Brent is great, but I would recommend starting with Julian Adams. Brent's zuisho I believe are grafted. Julian has zuisho that are cuttings and layers. Both are class acts though, and you can't go wrong with either.
Dunno if this will help or not, but almost the entire issue of International Bonsai #1 of this year is devoted to the care and training of 'Zushio' pines. That issue and Issue # 2 also have a two-part detailed tutorial on reducing pine needle size.

(I'm catching up on my cataloging of bonsai magazine articles and these issue triggered my memory of your topic.)
Hi guys, yes we write many of the articles and produce videos but we also take in good articles from quality authors. We are lucky to have some great people onboard like Peter Warren who has been through a full apprenticeship in Japan with Master Kunio Kobayashi and Marco Invernizzi who was trained by Master Masahiko Kimura plus some home grown talent like Kevin Willson who is one of the best in Europe.

We are just trying to make something good for Bonsai people that will help them along and where they can read, contact and trade. We don't have a forum because there are fantastic forums out there already like Bonsai Nut.

Feel free to take part in what we hope will become a worldwide network for bonsai people. Please feel free to enjoy.

Bonsai Basho,

I'm not sure if I'm talking to an individual or some team of bloggers, but in any case, I do appreciate what you've done to the website. I looked at your library and I like what's in it so far. I would like to request to have an article on pine foliage health.

I'm starting to bring my little "trees" into the shed now for winter protection and I noticed the foliage on my JWP is somewhat duller than when I purchased it. Also my JBP might have some minor fungal infection as I've noticed a few tiny yellow bands around some of its needles. It honestly could be nothing at all, but those were just my observations.

This is my first time wintering bonsai. Since pines still have foliage, how many times should they be watered? I read in one of the Bonsai Basho articles that JWP(on their own roots) should be kept a little more on the dry side. How many times a month should they be watered?

@jkl - thanks for the input, but I'm broke. I don't want to pay for info I can find online. The articles found on bonsai basho or what experienced bonsaists tell me here will have to suffice.

(I'm catching up on my cataloging of bonsai magazine articles and these issue triggered my memory of your topic.)

FWIW, I did a catalog of the Bonsai Today issues using Excel, filtered by article, species and technique. It's available to download here: It includes issues 6-108...haven't finished adding 1-5 yet.
You don't have an extra copy of #5 do you? That's the one I lack.
Hi from Bonsai Basho

Bonsai Basho,

I'm not sure if I'm talking to an individual or some team of bloggers, but in any case, I do appreciate what you've done to the website. I looked at your library and I like what's in it so far. I would like to request to have an article on pine foliage health.

I'm starting to bring my little "trees" into the shed now for winter protection and I noticed the foliage on my JWP is somewhat duller than when I purchased it. Also my JBP might have some minor fungal infection as I've noticed a few tiny yellow bands around some of its needles. It honestly could be nothing at all, but those were just my observations.

This is my first time wintering bonsai. Since pines still have foliage, how many times should they be watered? I read in one of the Bonsai Basho articles that JWP(on their own roots) should be kept a little more on the dry side. How many times a month should they be watered?

@jkl - thanks for the input, but I'm broke. I don't want to pay for info I can find online. The articles found on bonsai basho or what experienced bonsaists tell me here will have to suffice.

Bonsai Basho is a community site but I started, the name is Phil

Sounds to me like your pine might have needle cast

White pines on their own roots are less vigorous than those grafted onto black pine stock. They are also more prone to root rot. I always try to keep my white pines on their own stock on the dry side. You should think about keeping them under cover in wet conditions.

In general terms that fact that you have asked how often you should water means that you need to learn much more about watering. It is very important that you learn about how and when to water based on the tree, the soil and the conditions. Watering only becomes difficult when the soil is wrong, compacted or contains too much organic matter. Your white pine should be in nice granular akadama or kiryu and grit and when you water it shoud run through in seconds. If it doesn't then that could be a problem.

If your soil is tough impacted or holds too much water you might use a chopstick to punch lots of holes into the soil to the bottom of the pot and sprinkle in grit ir sand so water can drain away. If your soil is hard or impacted then water infrequently by putting the pot into a tub of water so its covered. When the bubble stop after 5- 10 mins its watered. Then keep it away from the rain and wait until it is pretty dry - test with a moisture meter or chopstick. Get that tree repotted in the spring!

Good luck!
Hey guys, a big thanks for the index, I was looking at doing one for our clubs library of BT.'s, you saved me a lot of time, and it is appreciated.
Hey guys, a big thanks for the index, I was looking at doing one for our clubs library of BT.'s, you saved me a lot of time, and it is appreciated.

Yes, thank you very much for sharing this. I was thinking this winter of somehow keeping a reference guide to the better articles in BT, and this will save me a ton of time. :D
Yamins, thanks. Don't know if you can post it that way and includes the filters, but that's the most helpful part of the spreadsheet...if not, be sure to download the excel file from my makes searching MUCH easier.
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