Can somebody identify this azalea?


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Netherlands - Europe
About nine months ago I bought a bunch of stuff from somebody who quit the bonsai hobby.
One of the trees was an azalea but the owner didn't know the species.
Yesterday the first flower opened and I want to ask if somebody can identify this species.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Short answer no.
But some things stand out.
The leaves are really spear-shaped. That's not a common leaf shape.
The flower is petaloid. It also blooms quite as the recent picture is recent.
Flower is also small relative to the leaves.
I'd say it is very unlikely to get IDed.
Heres a place to start

You're unlikely to get anyone to make a definite ID here. There are over 3,000 satsuki varieties.1,000 have been officially registered. The Japanese Satsuki societies publish a satsuki dictionary ever few years. You can get a copy--

Here's a vid explaining ID, etc. It's far from an easy topic:
It really depends on the cultivar. If someone posts a Kogetsu, or a Juko, or a Issho no Haru, or a Hoshi no Kagayaki, and many others, I and some others can ID those.
But there are many solid coloured cultivars that are hard to ID because they are all so similar. I know the names of about 40 or so European kurume. But when I see an azalea in gardens here, I almost never know for sure which one it is.

For an ID to be possible, it has to be a common cultivar that is unique in some way.
I looked in my book to try to match the flower and leaves to what was listed based on color. I could not find a match. I would say it has satsuki blood because of the time it is blooming. However it could be satsuki hybrid that is not listed. There is a high chance you may never find out what cultivar is it. This is why tagging them is very important, once the tag lost the azalea basically becomes mutt.
I don't know, but I like it.
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