Can McDonough Oak be grown as bonsai?

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Hi all, I live in the southwest of the UK. I recently visited New Orleans and was very impressed with the McDonough Oak trees growing in the streets there. Assuming I can obtain a sapling or seed, is it possible to grow these magnificent trees as bonsai and will they grow in the UK climate? If anyone has any information on buying and growing, I'd be very grateful to here back.
The species is Quercus virginiana. They grow in humid climates in zone 8 and warmer. Yes, they are great for bonsai. Off the top of my head, I recall that @rockm has a nice one.
Thank you for your reply.
The trees in NOLA are indeed southern live oak. They are native to hot humid regions of the U.S. growing mainly in coastal areas of the southern East and gulf coasts. Southern bonsaists have many examples. Some quite spectacular. They are not species that will grow very well inareas that get regular freezing without substantial protection like a cold greenhouse.

They have a relative species that is tougher and more cold hardy quercus fusiformis. Pic below is my tree. It is native from mid Texas up into Oklahoma in drier colder locations. This species which I’ve been growing as bonsai for going on 30 years is excellent in a container. The trick is finding a good one. It is a very common street tree in Texas and the southwestern U.S. drought tolerant and handle cold a bit better than quercus Virginiana.

I doubt either species is readily available in the UK. But you could look around.


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As far as growing from acorns, sure give it a try. However to get a decent trunk for an oak bonsai requires a substantial trunk. That’s what gives an oak bonsai it appeal. Without it it’s not really worth the trouble IMO.

If you admire the FORM of those NOLA oaks, boxwood can give the same felel in a hardier more readily available species this is a kingsville boxwood I’m growing in a live oak style


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