Can anyone recomend a fertilizer for my quince


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Lancaster, PA
Have two quince one is 4-5 yrs and the other one is probably a couple of years tried miracid big mistake would like them to flower
Any fert aimed at fruit or flowering plants will be OK to promote flowering. Tomato, citrus, azalea fert are all OK for bonsai. We also have some generic 'flowers and fruits' ferts that are fine. Your quinces are trees first and bonsai second so don't be fooled into only bonsai fert will do.
They only flower in the early spring, somewhat similar to stone fruits. If you prune them hard in the late spring, they will sometimes push flowers on the new growth... but not always. If your quince have not flowered this year, I don't believe that any fertilizer will get them to flower now - this late in the season. Rather, just make sure you leave your tree alone (no pruning) from now until next spring. People sometimes mistakenly prune late in fall (or even in winter) and unknowingly prune off all the flower buds!
We still have not clarified what sort of quince this is.
Chinese quince and European quince flower spring just as the leaves open or slightly after.
Japanese quince flower winter and very early spring, usually before the leaves.
Most spring flowering trees set buds late summer before so fertilizing from late summer through to leaf drop will help the tree develop the buds for next spring. i switch from a growth fertilizer to a flower fertilizer just after mid summer and that does seem to help promote flowers on my bonsai.
My Chinese quince rarely flower in pots. Pruning to maintain a good shape does remove most of the flower buds. I am told that most of the fruit on Chinese quince at exhibitions is actually tied onto the branches for the show - did not actually grow on the tree!
Japanese flowering quince flower much more easily as they often flower direct from shoots on the trunk and branches which do not get pruned. Mine have buds swelling now in mid winter.
I use Osmocote 14-14-14 with no issues. This year I've managed to cross pollinate a Toyo Nishiki to a Cameo. I'm curious as to what the flowers would be. Just waiting for the fruit to drop to collect the seeds.

Cameo quince with fruit.jpg
guess what my quince dropped all its leaves and sprung up new leaves and flowers it is a thornless type bought from garden center Here is a few pics thanks everyone for the info!!!


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I use a balanced granular organic on my flowering Japanese quince and it blooms year-round. The blooms are most focused in late winter, mid spring, and autumn flushes. I don’t think the chaenomeles plants require much of anything to bloom.

Regarding Miracid, I think the only mistake was using high acid fertilizer.

If you have the Chinese quince variety then disregard my inputs.
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