Can an unglazed pot um... painted?

But in the style of the ancient masters, of course. 🧐
Sell the pot here. Use the money to buy a pot you like. I like blue and I've liked them for twenty years, and not too many people question my choice in pots because I have trees as nice or better than most. I am likely to point that out if the subject is broached. Put it up for auction here or in the youtube Bonsai Auction
I appreciate all the suggestions here re: new pots. Being a recent air layer from a quite larger tree, it's pretty uninteresting at this time. Bark is babybutt smooth but has some nodes that should hold some promise. The feature is a looonnnngggggg limb that extends a couple feet from the main stick and should be pretty when it blooms.
But that's about the total thing on it.
Could be similar to ikebana when it blooms.
I used to have a local standard nursery that got pots in regularly. Not "pro" pots but passable. They're no longer in bizz. A shame.
If the tree performs well over time, I'll quite likely think it rates a "worthy" investment in a blue pot.
If I hadn't ...WON... the current pot, I'd put it in a terra cotta pot from Lowes and say "done."

Time will tell. Thanks all. :)
Please don't construe this as being flippant or rude, but it sounds like your crab is not ready for a nice bonsai pot. It would be a shame to waste a good pot only to find a nice plant for it a couple months down the road.
This from experience.........
Please don't construe this as being flippant or rude, but it sounds like your crab is not ready for a nice bonsai pot. It would be a shame to waste a good pot only to find a nice plant for it a couple months down the road.
This from experience.........
No offense taken. I agree. :)

If a blue pot surfaces in the interim, I'll probably pick up a modest one. Slip potting is easy.
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