Brazilian Rain Tree Leaves Not Opening - BRT

Currently I have maybe six dozen BRTs from 1gal to 45gal, all are left outdoors 24/7/365, they survived 30f during a cold snap last year. I use a special growing technique I call Calculated Neglect - it works for me! To speed up the process once I get a tree with good roots and trunk line I plant it in a 15 gal squat in 1/4" lava- water, sun, and fertilizer. My mother tree came from Jim Moody in 1980 who brought seed to USA . There is much variation between original seed from Brazil.

August '16....I wondered why there were just a few extending shoots when there should be 15-20 six to eight inches or more....traced back to July 4th when it might have gone 18-24 hours without hydration...'cause I was out getting "hydrated" at a BBQ.....🥴🤢🤮🤧

....short story long, I figure with this continued closed leaf configuration, as mentioned, you might have experienced some "cooked" roots. You have something like a re-pot situation.

To explain further is to suggest an approach that might not be the norm. But has been observed/tested and re-tested...
Stop trying so many different things? You need some more trees to keep you from loving this one to sickness :)

August '16....I wondered why there were just a few extending shoots when there should be 15-20 six to eight inches or more....traced back to July 4th when it might have gone 18-24 hours without hydration...'cause I was out getting "hydrated" at a BBQ.....🥴🤢🤮🤧

....short story long, I figure with this continued closed leaf configuration, as mentioned, you might have experienced some "cooked" roots. You have something like a re-pot situation.

To explain further is to suggest an approach that might not be the norm. But has been observed/tested and re-tested...
Hahaha I have thought that quite a few times. Definitely keeping my eye open for other trees.

I'm not sure I'm following the second post. If I may be experiencing some "cooked" roots, what would be the solution?
I assumed the roots might've been too damp with the moss if anything.
Bottom heat with damp soil "cooked" some roots. Best to figure the tree is re-generating more feeder-roots. Leaf reflex is to preserve moisture....subscribe for more.....;):D:D:D:D
Bottom heat with damp soil "cooked" some roots. Best to figure the tree is re-generating more feeder-roots. Leaf reflex is to preserve moisture....subscribe for more.....;):D:D:D:D
Interesting. The heat mat didn't really get too warm I think it stayed consistent around 70-80 degrees, but your description definitely sounds possible. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing then and give it time to recoup. I figure it's just time and consistency at this point that will get it back to health.
Burnt every growing tip......3 weeks or so new growth pushed thru the dead bud.

DSC02098.JPG pot and it's off to the races....
Still the same scenario. Not getting worse, but no marked improvements either. :/

Just trying to be patient and keep myself occupied with my other trees/plants in the meantime.
well as long as its not getting worse. These trees are very temper-mental. Mine had to recentlly be moved and sprayed down with neem oil, and now half the leaves close and half just stay open. Beautiful little drama queens.
well as long as its not getting worse. These trees are very temper-mental. Mine had to recentlly be moved and sprayed down with neem oil, and now half the leaves close and half just stay open. Beautiful little drama queens.
I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this. I wish I could figure out what's causing it, but hopefully, time will make the difference. If not, it will be heading outside soon enough. Thanks!
BRTs are one of my favorites, I have about 8 dozen airlayers from last fall in gallon and 3 gal, another 10 older trees in 15 gal, and 2 in 25gal. They are left outside all year, it hit 28f here two years ago with no damage. I do get nematode damage to the roots that Fire Ant killer seems to eliminate. On my larger "keeper" trees I will take a frozen food knife and cut off the bottom quarter of the roots and trim off the edges, re-pot w/ fresh soil to let the roots re-grow instead of potting to the next pot size . One of my 25 gallon trees was in 45 gal and I found it too hard to rotate so it got a root "haircut"- it still weighs close to a hundred pounds. To be lazy I bareroot the tree and transplant it into straight .25" lava rock, excellent drainage, good moisture retention, less nematodes!
Be Safe, Millard
Hey, just bringing this thread back for an update and question to those that know quite a bit more than I do.
Still the same scenario. It's been over 2 months since I took it off the heat mat and have been using the chopstick method for watering, still usually takes about 6-7 days before it needs water again... Could it be that the soil is just holding too much water?

I recently got a bag of soil for repotting another plant that brought some fungus gnats into the house and they've taken to my BRT this time too! I'm thinking it might be just staying too moist when it's indoors.
I'm using the following soil The website doesn't give you too much info on what's in it, but maybe some of you are familiar with it.

I have one that has had drooping leaves for a couple of months, seriously. The problem was the tray I have it in, although it has raised parts was just keeping it too wet. I elevated it and not only have the leaves started opening again, it has lots of new growth. Lesson learned for next year when I bring them inside. 6-7 days before it needs water is too long.
I have one that has had drooping leaves for a couple of months, seriously. The problem was the tray I have it in, although it has raised parts was just keeping it too wet. I elevated it and not only have the leaves started opening again, it has lots of new growth. Lesson learned for next year when I bring them inside. 6-7 days before it needs water is too long.
Thanks for sharing your experience. They really are so finicky at times. The tray was a concern for me as well so I already built a spacer to keep the put lifted up out of the water entirely to make sure no water was being wicked up into the soil so I think I'm good on that end.

I actually made a change and have seen some improvement so I'm hoping it continues in a positive direction and maybe I figured out at least one of the irritations.

I turned off the light that I had over it because it is a rather intense GE plant LED (I know it can't compare to the sun but maybe the wrong spectrum or something was irritating it) and since the leaves were staying closed tightly all day I figured it might be worth a shot. I now have leaves opening partially in all areas of the tree. It's not fully opening yet, but it's a definite shift. Hopefully, once it starts opening again and properly photosynthesizing it'll be using up more water and not be staying damp for 6-7 days.

Thanks again to everyone for all your help with this! This is a great community.
Thanks for sharing your experience. They really are so finicky at times. The tray was a concern for me as well so I already built a spacer to keep the put lifted up out of the water entirely to make sure no water was being wicked up into the soil so I think I'm good on that end.

I actually made a change and have seen some improvement so I'm hoping it continues in a positive direction and maybe I figured out at least one of the irritations.

I turned off the light that I had over it because it is a rather intense GE plant LED (I know it can't compare to the sun but maybe the wrong spectrum or something was irritating it) and since the leaves were staying closed tightly all day I figured it might be worth a shot. I now have leaves opening partially in all areas of the tree. It's not fully opening yet, but it's a definite shift. Hopefully, once it starts opening again and properly photosynthesizing it'll be using up more water and not be staying damp for 6-7 days.

Thanks again to everyone for all your help with this! This is a great community.
I'm glad it's doing better. I doubt the lights are detrimental. I have mine under LED lights and they get natural sun from a southern exposure and they like it. Hopefully, if the weather holds out, mine will be outside by next week. Best of luck with yours!
I'm glad it's doing better. I doubt the lights are detrimental. I have mine under LED lights and they get natural sun from a southern exposure and they like it. Hopefully, if the weather holds out, mine will be outside by next week. Best of luck with yours!
That was my thought too, which is why it was a long shot with turning the lights out, but it was almost an instant difference. The next day the leaves started to begin to open. Strange if it was just coincidence. Fingers crossed it continues... It was off the chart on my light meter between the LED and southern exposure. I know I'm grasping at straws but just happy to see a reaction for once. It's been pretty steady closed tight for a few months now.

Thanks for the well wishes mine will be outside sooner than later too. Sad it took all winter without figuring out how to keep it somewhat happy be indoors, but I guess next year is another opportunity. At least it survived!

Thanks everyone!
Pulled two cuttings from last year out of their pot 4 or so weeks ago to pot up individually. One of them is still sulking, yet growing at the same time. Crazy species.
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