I'd been planning to grow out most branches to outermost silhouette, then trim to proper nexts near the middle silhouettes.
Have you found that to be useful early on? Are there considerable pros and cons to hedge-type (outer silhouette distance only) in early development?
We can't really plan to grow out to these silhouettes...it's more the tree's decision.
So far...knowing these "silhouettes" exist is just information. Not much practice in how to utilize it for detailed grow out.
It CAN be used to fix MINOR problems...
Minor Problems are the only thing fixable on a box.
That Said...choosing material that can be whacked all the way back to a point where you are just growing out branches that will never need to be bigger than about a quarter inch is necessary.
If it IS possible to "grow out" branches bigger than a quarter inch without the rampant growth ruining other sections....I still think it a fools errand. A better/faster box is waiting somewhere.
I am too "preventative" to hedge prune anything....
And Hedge pruning opposite trees...especially box....is not detailed enough, and leaves AND CAUSES potential problems.
On your Tinac tree...so small(near impossibly small) you will need to create branches and pads so tight, you soon won't even be able to get into it to cut branches...
But you can ALWAYS get a straight bud knocking tool in there...
For me..."early development"...means selecting the right 1 tree of a couple hundred...
"Early development" is something the nursery has done.
The trees we select to use should have "good bones" that we can cut back to straight away, and get to building small branching on.
If you have say....a low quarter inch branch...and a high branch that's 5/16th maybe 7/16ths....its possible to flip flop allowing the low to grow and holding back the top....
But any difference greater than that is never likely to be safely (hort and design) flip flopped.
Diminishing branch sizes as going up the tree Is HIGHLY important....it is what caused good taper.. And what will continue to build good taper.
Having this in order in the beginning is important...for trunk selection, and whatever small amounts of trunk development you may be able to achieve.
Bout to go virt newbs box.