Bonsai On The Bayou ABS 2019 Houston, Texas - Day 1 Vendor Setup


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New Orleans, Louisiana
I'm in Houston, Texas this weekend for the ABS 2019 Convention "Bonsai On The Bayou". I'll be uploading videos, bandwidth permitting, as the convention progresses.

I like to get to bonsai events early and watch as the vendors unload and set up their wares. Here is my tour of the vendor floor.

Bill, thanks so much for posting this. It shows what is available at bonsai shows, especially big shows. If you've never been to a larger, ABS-backed event, or a regional or national show, this is typical of what a vendor area looks like--although, being in Nola, the Bald cypress here are spectacular and uncommon elsewhere. Vendor areas at shows like this have all kinds of stuff you won't see online. You also get to actually meet people that make and sell that stuff. The in-person aspect is an intangible that goes a very long way in getting things or selling things that aren't available online...
Make that Houston, not Nola. Same deal with BC, though.
And rumor has it, that the "best" stuff in the vendor area is always sold BEFORE the show opens--among the vendors...Doesn't mean that there isn't terrific stuff left, though. Best way to get the best stuff is to become a vendor but then you're on the road to financial ruin...;-)
I'm in Houston, Texas this weekend for the ABS 2019 Convention "Bonsai On The Bayou". I'll be uploading videos, bandwidth permitting, as the convention progresses.

I like to get to bonsai events early and watch as the vendors unload and set up their wares. Here is my tour of the vendor floor.

Best of luck to all BNutters involved in this convention. I so wish I could go. Some how I managed to muck up my schedule badly when it comes to bonsai conventions.
Thanks Bill for posting this. Very nice preview to the event.
So which Nuts will be there?
I plan to go in the afternoon but the boss set up a meeting in the afternoon. If I can't make it today, I will be there tomorrow afternoon.
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