Bonsai forums a bad thing?

Vance - I have enjoyed your work and advise on many occasions but honest "where the hell are you coming from" on this? Have you reached a point where you feel seniority is the only answer and only your opinion is proper in this Art? Sorry Old Timer, I think you should settle a bit, adjust your opinion as being law, and brush up on your social skills. You can attack me if you must, but I am bullet proof to your overall total BULL SHIT. Now go show us your worth and finish up that Quasi... RELAX!

Promises - Promises

You may feel like that now, but when you run off all the wheat, all you are left with is the chaff.

This site already has way too much chaff and not enough wheat.

Of course if one is content with lighting systems, crappy soil and dead and diseased trees, this place is right up your alley.
Vance - I have enjoyed your work and advise on many occasions but honest "where the hell are you coming from" on this? Have you reached a point where you feel seniority is the only answer and only your opinion is proper in this Art? Sorry Old Timer, I think you should settle a bit, adjust your opinion as being law, and brush up on your social skills. You can attack me if you must, but I am bullet proof to your overall total BULL SHIT. Now go show us your worth and finish up that Quasi... RELAX!


Your right.
Promises - Promises

All of nine posts since December and you logged in to wish one of the better contributors to this forum to go away? Rant aside, Vance is an excellent contributor to this forum.
Vance, I've been doing bonsai as long as you. 43 years.

Two years ago I started taking the Intensives from Boon. Let me tell you, honestly, that my bonsai skills took a quantum leap forward by taking those classes.

I've seen your trees photos on this forum. They're pretty good. But if you humble yourself to study with some ( or one ) of the masters mentioned earlier in this thread, your trees to could make a quantum leap forward.

And, by the way, it was Kirby on that other bonsai forum who suggested to me that do the Intensives. Best advice I have ever received about bonsai. And it was from an Internet forum.
And before anybody gets confused, let me just make clear that I NEVER asked (nor ever want) anyone to leave this forum. I would surely leave before that would be placed on my head.
Promises - Promises

And what have you contributed with your vast total of 9 posts?

Oh yeah that would be zero, zip, nothing at all.

The fact is without advanced hobbiests and professionals here like Vance, Smoke, Don, Brian Van Fleet, Gary Wood along with lesser experienced but not newbs like Judy, Dave4, Grimlore and others Im sure I forgot for the moment, there would be no Bonsai Nut.

So be careful what you ask for.

@Vance, I dont like what the OP posted much either and I think for the most part he has no clue about what he is saying. While I agree with your opinion of his post and possibly his longevity, I do think you came down a bit hard on Judy. She is someone that simply doesnt enjoy conflict on these boards, while others consider it a sporting event.
Vance is a great artist and a VERY valuable member to the Bonsai Community - Way I see it, just a bad day. I was and not offended in any way, just a little "taken back" by comments about great members as he is. We ALL have tough days - It WILL be ok ;)

I watered all bazillion of my trees, and took some updated pics of some. So far 2014 is treating my trees well. I attribute a lot of that to repotting everything into pumice and or akadama and maybe some turface, but I never said that. Even with everything going in to "virgin" substrate, weeds are flourishing. Cant figure out how those seeds get so far flung.
Vance, I've been doing bonsai as long as you. 43 years.

Two years ago I started taking the Intensives from Boon. Let me tell you, honestly, that my bonsai skills took a quantum leap forward by taking those classes.

I've seen your trees photos on this forum. They're pretty good. But if you humble yourself to study with some ( or one ) of the masters mentioned earlier in this thread, your trees to could make a quantum leap forward.

And, by the way, it was Kirby on that other bonsai forum who suggested to me that do the Intensives. Best advice I have ever received about bonsai. And it was from an Internet forum.

That's very cool to hear that Kirby was part of the reason you are working with Boon. It was the same thing for me. Kirby sure is dedicated to the Art. I don't think anyone on the planet puts as many miles in for Bonsai as he does. Living on the East Coast and being an active member of a CA Bonsai club. He's a great guy!

During the meals we share at Boon's intensives It's always fun to hear the conversations between students. I've never not been to an intensive where someone has not explained how confused they were by so many things Bonsai, only to have Boon shed so much light on all things Bonsai and make things ten times easier on you. Great program and teacher:)
It rained late yesterday so no watering this am and I worked almost 11 hours today...didn't even look at my trees today....but I did have a VERY large gin and tonic when I got home (day off tomorrow)....yes, there are a few pots that could do with some weeding, but they'll keep for now...I'm ok with my decision;).

I finally got to meet John at the last June Intensive.

Last summer, Boon had me decandle and pull needles on one of John's great JBP cascades.

Now, it's one thing if Boon has me work on one of HIS trees. But, setting a student onto a customer's tree? Wow. That means he had faith in me. And it put the pressure on me to do a good job. I have before and after pics on my phone. I'll see if I can find them and post on a fresh thread.

Later I told John I had done it, and he approved of my work. That tree is looking great, now. I don't know if John took it home with him or not. He took several.

I follow John on Facebook. You're right. He travels all over the world for bonsai. Amazing.

Sorry for the interruption, folks. Now back to the usual squabbling...! <just kidding!>
Hmmm... had to go get some more ice for my ice tea...looks like a few drank up all the kool-aid.
It rained late yesterday so no watering this am and I worked almost 11 hours today...didn't even look at my trees today....but I did have a VERY large gin and tonic when I got home (day off tomorrow)....yes, there are a few pots that could do with some weeding, but they'll keep for now...I'm ok with my decision;).

I had a similar day. Messed with my trees though to escape the chaos/stress of work and then returned to finish charts. Gin and tonic sounds good though :) I've learned a ton on the forum especially since my local club is not that strong. Only 2-3 actually know what they are doing and can teach others. Don't have Boon on speed dial yet. Not sure with the OP expected as a response. It's like posting on eBay or amazon how stupid people are for shopping online and that it is a waste of time. Oh well.
I was finally able to assemble my new benchmaster benches that I bought for the new tree area I made in the yard. Long story, but I had originally thought to make it a shade area with a shade cloth but now thinking it might be better as the sun
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