Bonsai Auction/99 Cent Bonsai Shadiness - and a better alternative!

I'd be interested in knowing how much money we're talking about on these auction sites. Does anyone keep track of how much is actually sold during each auction? Which would let us know how much the folks who run the sites will be getting?

In principle, I don't have a problem paying a small fee to be able to sell on the auction groups. As I said, pretty much everything I've sold has gone for quite a bit more than I expected (often double or higher) and I'm not in it to make a buck, just to move trees that I no longer want to someone who does want them. That's valuable to me and 3% doesn't sound unreasonable. I know that keeping the sites running probably takes more time than most realize and a little compensation seems reasonable.

That said, I was always a little unhappy with the way things went down on those sites. Someone mentioned the midnight coup, where the original site owners were basically pushed out. That never sat right with me so if the original owners are going to try to start up again I'll be willing to buy/sell there, not so much because of the fee but because of what happened before. The question is, will enough people migrate over to make it work or will people stick with the current groups. No point trying to sell to an empty group.
I set a price on my sales items based on what I have in them and how much it has improved, and how much I want to turn it for some other item. Not based on a surcharge, which now that F+F is disallowed to be asked for, and the new "donation" percentage, I have to account for in my sales numbers. I hope they are ok with descriptive text in the posts asking for the 3% donation fee and the surcharge for non F+F sales thru paypal....Cause by the time that's done, on a higher ticket item, you're not talking about pennies (at least not for the hobbiests).
I set a price on my sales items based on what I have in them and how much it has improved, and how much I want to turn it for some other item. Not based on a surcharge, which now that F+F is disallowed to be asked for, and the new "donation" percentage, I have to account for in my sales numbers. I hope they are ok with descriptive text in the posts asking for the 3% donation fee and the surcharge for non F+F sales thru paypal....Cause by the time that's done, on a higher ticket item, you're not talking about pennies (at least not for the hobbiests).
I hear ya. Several ways to deal with this. I don't see why you couldn't specify something like "buyer pays 3% group fee" since most people already say "buyer pays paypal fees". Or if you use a reserve, just add 3% to what you would otherwise set it at. Maybe the new free groups will get enough traffic that you'll be able to sell there and not have to worry about it. Time will tell.
Charging a mandatory fee to be part of a free page on a free website is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard of. It simply stems from them overestimating their value. They seem to think trade can't happen without them.

It would be like charging your bonsai club a consultant fee because you are their treasurer and you devote time to it.

They just want a bite of everyone's pie. That's why they want to tie it to sales figures. More money moving means they make more. Simple greed, nothing more.
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Just to stir the pot a little, one thing I recommend to ALL people - starting with my own children - is to get out a little and see the world. And if you can do it without using the crutch of current technology, so much the better! I was just talking with my wife about this the other day. When I was in the military in my early 20's I lived in Europe for two years. No Internet. No email. No Skype calls. No Google translate. It felt like a two year episode of "the Amazing Race" where I had to constantly figure everything out - how to speak a foreign language, how to navigate country roads with crappy paper maps, how to order food that I wasn't familiar with, what to do when my car broke down in a rural town at 2AM. And I figured it out.

When I got back to the U.S., not only did I have a better appreciation of our country, even with its warts and foibles, but everything was so EASY. I now understand the meaning of the term "worldly".

I see it first hand now with my own children - who don't know how to take a bus anywhere because they always had a parent to drive them to school. If it isn't on the Internet - it isn't "real". And since much of what is on the Internet is a shadow of the truth, or at least someone else's perception of it, my kids often go through life living in a strange alternate reality.

Facebook is one symptom of a greater problem. There have been tons of papers written about how the "reality" that people post on social media is not the "reality" of their lives. People participating in this farce often find themselves in an arms race to "out-socialize" their peers - with cute photos, or videos of themselves doing progressively interesting/crazy things, etc. I have often wondered how many people social media has killed in the last decade - people behaving badly because they want to publicize how amazingly cool they are - and dying in the process. Just look at the fact that distracted driving kills more people every year now than drunk driving - and many times the distracted drivers are doing nothing more than responding to vacuous text messages... or updating their Facebook status to let everyone know they are going Christmas tree shopping :(
Well said, sir.
What the hell happened here???
I had a very busy day....

Just for the record....since it seems like my comments started to ignite the idea of Millennial Bashing up in here (and in so many words, it kinda was....but), I want to make known that I happen to be a Millennial.... 😵
That's why I know them....

I also want to agree with something I think @rockm said about the inherent differences in the American generations due to continuous and rapid growth in technology.

For me, its quite obvious in my field. I was lucky enough to get about 4 solid years of experience turning wrenches on equipment and systems from the 1950's - 60's.
Troubleshooting methods are sometimes quite different from the stuff that's being made today, even if the general operation of the system is similar.
The most extreme changes are in the electronics and control systems.
Many of the mechanical controls have been abandoned permanently, by the manufacturers, in favor of the digital controls.
It's interesting to me.... and seems like a natural progression so far.
I think in general, I approve..... at least in my case.
just wing it......
I was lucky enough to get about 4 solid years of experience turning wrenches on equipment and systems from the 1950's - 60's.
Man you are Old...that must have been B4 Adjustable Wrenches......
Charging a mandatory fee to be part of a free page on a free website is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard of.

And this is exactly why there is a renewed push to get the Bonsai Auctions page back up and running. Simple as that.

I am no longer active on the page as a moderator (due to time), but was there from the beginning, and can say that the internal conversations about the free group are centered on making sure the bonsai community has a free space to buy and sell goods.
All I know is that I feel bad for anyone tuned in to my Alexa last Saturday night after my wife and I had a few too many manhattans... :p ;)
Dave, did you call your wife “Alexa” in bed? Again??? You remember what happened last time...

(Folks, just ask Dave to show you the scars!)

(And he’s still limping!)
I can understand charging a small fee to list an item. The Admins do have to spend time monitoring the activity. But a percentage of the price? I think a flat fee, $2.00 or something would be a better way to do it.
There should at least be some sort of distinction between the Bonsai Auctions that's part of the 99¢ Bonsai group and the new world order Bonsai Auctions. Also, don't REALLY love that this post was made in a different venue under a pseudonym. I haven't bought anything on the fb auction sites in a while, but will say for not a ton more cost, you get a LOT more out of established auction sites.
I can understand charging a small fee to list an item. The Admins do have to spend time monitoring the activity. But a percentage of the price? I think a flat fee, $2.00 or something would be a better way to do it.

The issue with the idea that there is time spent to run auction page, and thus, someone should be compensated goes against the notion of a free marketplace where goods can be bought and sold. If facebook mandated that the group be run a certain way and the auctions be run a certain way then sure maybe you could argue that the person forced to deal with that deserves a bump.

As with any group, the admins decided to run it a certain way, on a particular schedule, with a certain set of rules, etc. If they need to reconsider the way they are running it so it doesn't eat up so much time, then that's on them.
The issue with the idea that there is time spent to run auction page, and thus, someone should be compensated goes against the notion of a free marketplace where goods can be bought and sold. If facebook mandated that the group be run a certain way and the auctions be run a certain way then sure maybe you could argue that the person forced to deal with that deserves a bump.

As with any group, the admins decided to run it a certain way, on a particular schedule, with a certain set of rules, etc. If they need to reconsider the way they are running it so it doesn't eat up so much time, then that's on them.
I think the issue has become the Auctions site on Facebook has become wildly successful, and takes more time for the admins than originally planned. I think that when it was conceived, there were a few guys who want to sell their wares, and avoid eBay fees. And to drive traffic to the site, they opened it up to everyone. But, over time, it has grown to the point they spend more time than they anticipated monitoring everything. It’s not like eBay, where the monitoring is automated, they have to watch what’s going on manually. I think it’s fair they charge a small fee for their services. Not a fan of the “percentage” basis for the fee, though.
Dave, did you call your wife “Alexa” in bed? Again??? You remember what happened last time...

(Folks, just ask Dave to show you the scars!)

(And he’s still limping!)
Maybe Alexa wound up in bed with Dave and his wife?
Maybe they realized they got enough members in the group that use it regularly to shop for deals that they can monetize off the usage.

You don't pay you loose the opportunity to get deals it's quite simple.
Thing is...they aren't the only sites that offer bonsai group Auctions. I see names I know making the switch over. Because they want their buyers getting a good deal too. That's what the groups originally began for. I no longer shop at Target...I prefer changing or going to the bathroom where it's women only. Silly doesn't
I can understand charging a small fee to list an item. The Admins do have to spend time monitoring the activity. But a percentage of the price? I think a flat fee, $2.00 or something would be a better way to do it.
I agree whole heartedly...That said they would make far less that way. 3% of high ticket items is way more cash flow into pockets.
So what is the ‘very well known’ longstanding auction on facebook?
Bonsai auctions group?
I need to make an account because I will have stuff for sale in Spring.
Never had facebook yet.
@Adair M
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I tried being a Luddite,
but when I found out I had to pay extra for crank windows and standard transmission on the car, I gave up.
Its too expensive to be a Luddite.

Real quote to me in 2018,
"Could you give me a lift home, my ride is down, my horse threw a shoe"
From an Amish gentleman who was doing some work for us on the blueberry farm.
So what is the ‘very well known’ longstanding auction on facebook?
Bonsai auctions group?
I need to make an account because I will have stuff for sale in Spring.
Never had facebook yet.
@Adair M
I will stick with ebay,unless I have something more expensive to sell
I tried being a Luddite,
but when I found out I had to pay extra for crank windows and standard transmission on the car, I gave up.
Its too expensive to be a Luddite.

Real quote to me in 2018,
"Could you give me a lift home, my ride is down, my horse threw a shoe"
From an Amish gentleman who was doing some work for us on the blueberry farm.
It’s just not my sister sais’ stay away...I think I will
I will stick with ebay,unless I have something more expensive to sell
Ebay is great for a buyers, but shitty for a sellers as they nickel and dime everything.
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