My only junipers so far are Blaauw because this variety resists rust which we have here every year. All my crab apples were selected for this also. I do not want to compromise on this, and my mind cant be changed. But I would like to add more juniper varieties.
Somehow I love the idea of junipers, I see tiny seedlings every now and then and they already look tree-like. I checked out pics of juniperus occidentalis (western juniper) in the wild and they are fantastic.
Are there other junipers than Blaauw which might reliably withstand rusts? Maybe even chinese juniper cultivars or relatives of Blaauw?
I seem to remember the resistence is related to the blue color of the foliage. I have a hunch some Dutch nurserymen who have been in the business for decades know all about this but I dont know any. Maybe could try esveld I suppose.
Also curious about sowing seeds from Blaauw crossed with shimpaku or occidentalis if that even works
Somehow I love the idea of junipers, I see tiny seedlings every now and then and they already look tree-like. I checked out pics of juniperus occidentalis (western juniper) in the wild and they are fantastic.
Are there other junipers than Blaauw which might reliably withstand rusts? Maybe even chinese juniper cultivars or relatives of Blaauw?
I seem to remember the resistence is related to the blue color of the foliage. I have a hunch some Dutch nurserymen who have been in the business for decades know all about this but I dont know any. Maybe could try esveld I suppose.
Also curious about sowing seeds from Blaauw crossed with shimpaku or occidentalis if that even works