Blaauw Juniper over time....


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Hello Friends...

I thought I would share the 5 year development of a juniper I have been working on...

This is a very old tree that originally came from a small nursery north of Columbia, Sc in the early to mid 70s. My good friend and teacher Ken, spent 30 years with this tree...for a good portion of that time the tree was a semi-cascade.

I was fortunate to acquire this tree in winter of is a pic and video that shows it as I received it...


Yesterday I had the opportunity to work on this tree again...This time with Kathy Shaner. She helped recognize and resolve several flaws and just in general take it to the next level.

Here is what it looked like before the work....

After a couple hours of cleaning, pruning, wiring, and creating deadwood it looked like this...

and a little closer...

Even if it took 40 years...not too bad for nursery material.

Perhaps a new container is in its near future:)

A video of the 2nd styling

Only one video allowed per post... the work in this video occurred about 18 months after my initial work.
Very nice end result! Thank you for the time spent showing progress as it helps many to envision better futures for their specimens.

Very nice progress indeed. I like stories like this...from humble beginnings to a show worthy bonsai.

Don't you just love Kathy? :)
Very nice progress indeed. I like stories like this...from humble beginnings to a show worthy bonsai.

Don't you just love Kathy? :)

I don't want to take over the thread just wanted to mention Kathy is where I learned about PC Petrifier. And a heck of a lot more...

Thats amazing, my first reaction was how did it stay so tiny for 40 years ! Then seeing the pic with the guy holding up the backdrop made me realize its actually a big tree with the presence of a tiny tree in a pot. The work Cathy done looks nice, you dont think teh tree needed that big branch at the bottom she jin'd ?

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