Bilbo's JBP Contest Thread


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Here will be my initial entry (sorry it’s large but it’s already 1/26 and I’ve been doing a lot) with steps and updates through this morning.

While I know this contest is specifically for JPB, my plan is to also work through 14 additional species applying the same three groups of techniques to each for discovery/validation of applicability to each and measuring results.

Unless directed to, or unless I get a general consensus, that you’re only really interested in JBP updates, I’m happy to use this thread to document results for all 15 species.
For those only interested in JBP, and for ease of identification, I’ll try to remember to put all “Pinus thunbergii” updates in bold.
I have a busy weekend planned but I’ll try to get some pics of the Pinus thunbergii seedlings posted this weekend.
  • Ordered several species of Cedrus, Larix, Picea, and Pinus from Sheffield's and F.W. Schumacher.
  • To make the most use of my available space, initial starting batches for all 15 species will be small (by comparison to many others), but later I do intend to start more Pinus thunbergii.
I Had expected to get some JPB started in scarification today, however in early setup over winter break I discovered some unexpected technical difficulties with dead/dying/broken hardware that needed to be replaced.
Pinus parviflora (Sheffield’s)
  • Started 2 batches in scarification.
  • One batch will go the standard 60 day warm and 90 cold stratification (yes I know it’s late).
  • One batch will be an experiment with 30 day warm and 30 day cold stratification to see if that is sufficient to get sprouts and quantify a success rate for measurement against the standard stratification.
Pinus parviflora
  • Moved both batches of to warm stratification.
  • Used moistened sphagnum moss sealed in baggies and placed on top of my fridge at approx. 75°F.
Finally have solutions in place for all my hardware needs and getting started with more batches.
Started small batches of the following in warm scarification (145°F)
  • Cedrus brevifolia (F.W. Schumacher)
  • Larix kaempferi (Sheffield’s)
  • Pinus contorta (Sheffield’s)
  • Pinus densiflora (F.W. Schumacher)
  • Pinus sylvestris (Sheffield’s)
  • Pinus taeda (Sheffield’s)
  • Pinus thunbergii (F.W. Schumacher)
  • Pinus virginiana (Sheffield’s)
Moved several species to cold stratification
  • Cedrus brevifolia (2 of the 8 sank)
  • Larix kaempferi (19 of the 30 sank)
  • Pinus contorta (19 of the 30 sank)
  • Pinus densiflora (all 30 sank)
  • Pinus taeda (all 30 sank)
Planted 3 species which do not require a cold stratification period
  • Pinus sylvestris (26 of the 30 sank)
  • Pinus thunbergii (all 30 sank)
  • Pinus virginiana (29 of the 30 sank)
Planting notes:
  • Planted all seeds in 2" pots with peat/perlite mix watered with pure rain water.
  • 2" pots are all in 1020 trays under 432 watts of 6400°K HO T5 Fluorescent light (until it is warm enough to move them outside) and sitting on heating pads set at 75°F.
  • All seeds, even the floaters, were planted. I kept track of where the floaters were planted to document success rates (if any). I've tracked this before and have never been able to document any credible statistical difference in germination success between undamaged floaters and undamaged sinkers. “Undamaged” being a key word. For these smaller batches, I have the luxury of hand picking each seed and deliberately avoided any seeds that looked damaged.
  • Yes, I know this initial batch of Pinus thunbergii is only 30 seeds but will start more after more space is available (as other species move on and out and the weather outside warms). After 6 years, I’d be shocked if any serious or substantial development difference could be detected and if it is, I’ll freely admit I was wrong.
Pinus aristata (F.W. Schumacher)
  • Started warm scarification (145°F)
  • Seeds arrived a little late
Pinus aristata (all 32 sank)
  • Planted all as per the same procedures detailed on 1/11/2018
Pinus sylvestris (planted 1/11/2018)
  • First two seeds popped the surface
  • The actual first one was one of the 4 floaters
Pinus sylvestris (planted 1/11/2018)
  • More seeds have continued to sprout (total 8 to date)
  • Including another of the floaters
Pinus thunbergii (planted 1/11/2018)
  • First two seeds popped the surface
Larix laricina (Sheffield’s)
  • Started small batch on warm scarification (110°F)
Pinus aristata (planted 1/14/2018)
  • First two seeds popped the surface
Pinus sylvestris (planted 1/11/2018)
  • More seeds continue to pop (total as of today is 10)
  • Including another of the non-floaters (now 3 of the 4 floaters (75%) have sprouted)
Pinus thunbergii (planted 1/11/2018)
  • More seeds continue to pop the surface (total as of today is 4)
Pinus virginiana (planted 1/11/2018)
  • First seed popped the surface
Started the second group of 4 species (of 4 planned initial groups)
  • Planted both of these species as per the same details from 1/11/2018
  • Larix laricina (17 of 32 sank)
  • Pinus densiflora (moved from 14 days cold stratification (all 30 sank in scarification))
Pinus aristata (planted 1/14/2018)
  • Total sprouts as of this morning = 3
Pinus sylvestris (planted 1/11/2018)
  • Total sprouts as of this morning = 13
Pinus thunbergii (planted 1/11/2018)
  • Total sprouts as of this morning = 7
Pinus virginiana (planted 1/11/2018)
Total sprouts as of this morning = 3
OK, sorry for the delay.
Now for some pics.
This first pic is a the calendar for my first planned plantings this early season.
To keep things simpler, and smaller, I'll be tagging my sprouts and plants with ID numbers instead of their genus/species.
This table provides a cross reference.
For example, Pinus thunbergii (JBP) = #19
Each of the species falls within 1 of my planting groups, hence the colored fill for the species names.
Each group consists of 4 species of which I'll be planting a full 1020 flat of 2x2 pots.
These colors correspond to the colored transparent blocks you see over the calendar.
This is not important for the contest but it is how I'm hoping to better manage this process and to assist me in keeping it all sorted.
The black rows are merely placeholders for potential later plantings.
Green borders indicate that day is completed.
Numbers in the cells indicate how many sprouts for that day.
Here are a couple pics of a grouping of seeds about to be scarified. First showing the ID numbers per ramekin and then from above showing the actual seeds.
JBP is #19
Here is the first flat of sprouts moved to their own flat for more caretaking more specific to sprouts (as opposed to the rest which have not yet germinated).
#19 are JBP
Some updates…

Pinus balfouriana
  • Planted 30 which had actually been warm scarified (145°F) back on 1/13 (I neglected to include this in the above update for 1/13) and started on 15 days of cold stratification.
  • Used tall 2x2 pots with seedling starter soil and perlite

Pinus contorta
  • Planted 30 which started cold stratification on 1/11/2018 (above)
  • Used tall 2x2 pots with seedling starter soil and perlite
  • This flat completes the “Dark Blue” group (4 species) and puts me past the 50% (8 of 15 species planted) point in phase 1 of my early plantings.

Sprouts continue.
Totals through today:
  • Dk. Blue (23) Larix laricina (Planted 1/25/2018 = 0)
  • Green (5) Pinus aristata (Planted 1/14/2018) = 5
  • Dk. Blue (7) Pinus balfouriana (Planted 1/29/2018) = 0
  • Dk. Blue (11) Pinus contorta (Planted 2/1/2018) = 0
  • Dk. Blue (13) Pinus densiflora (Planted 1/25/2018) = 0
  • Green (15) Pinus sylvestris (Planted 1/11/2018) = 16
  • Green (19) Pinus thunbergii (Planted 1/11/2018) = 11
  • Green (21) Pinus virginiana (Planted 1/12/2018) = 14
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More updates…
First, an updated species ID legend.
I added Junipers chinensis and Pinus tabuliformis but haven’t worked them into the plan yet.

Certainly will need to get the Juniper started soon if I’m going to do them at all.

First 3 Pinus balfouriana today

Started taking first serious looks for cutting candidates.
Based on “progress” several look promising
A few from #5, #15, #19, & #21

However, based on “Color” (using JBP color as a guide) a few seem to be working that way but not quite there.

Based on disappointing numbers from the first batches of:
Pinus aristata, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus thunbergii, and Pinus Virginiana, I have decided to start fresh batched of

Pinus aristata (32 more seeds starting warm scarification will be #6)
Pinus sylvestris (32 more seeds starting warm scarification will be #16)
Pinus thunbergii (64 more seeds starting warm scarification will be #20)

Also, based on early poor numbers from the recently planted Larix laricina, and Pinus densiflora, I’ve decided to preemptively start another batch each
Pinus densiflora (32 more seeds starting warm scarification will be #14)
Larix laricina (32 more seeds starting warm scarification will be #24)

Also, as per original plan, #26, Pinus mugo 'rostrata' is also due for warm scarification (32 seeds) today.

All scarifications (6 total species and 224 total seeds) started at 138°F and left to cool on the counter overnight.
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Intended the scarifications to only be 24 hours but family emergency delayed me so we’re looking at 36 hours here.
(showing the group ID numbers) (#20 is JBP)

Showing the actual seeds (JBP is bottom left)

Larix laricina - Moved 32 seeds to fridge for 30 days cold stratification in milled sphagnum as #24 (4/32 floaters)
Pinus aristata - Moved 32 seeds to fridge for 30 days cold stratification in milled sphagnum as #6 (1/32 floaters)
Pinus densiflora - Moved 32 seeds to fridge for 30 days cold stratification in milled sphagnum as #14 (1/32 floaters)
Pinus sylvestris - Moved 32 seeds fridge for 30 days cold stratification in milled sphagnum as #16 (1/32 floaters)
Pinus thunbergii - Moved 64 seeds to fridge for 15 days cold stratification in milled sphagnum as #20 (0/64 floaters)
Cedrus Brevifolia – Recovered 7 seeds from cold stratification and planted as #1
Larix Kaempferi – Recovered 30 seeds from cold stratification and planted as #2
Pinus Taeda – Recovered 30 seeds from cold stratification and planted as #17
Pinus mugo 'rostrata' – Planted 32 seeds straight from warm scarification to being planted as #26 (1/32 floaters)
Well you have my vote for the winner of the most documented JBP progress!!!!!
Finally their first close up portraits, but WAY TOO many and way too high resolution to post them all here.
However, I have come close to narrowing down some oy first cutting candidatesand I’ll post these pictures here now.
Bear in mind the documented standard is based on JBP so for adapting this toother species, I feel like I need to look at stage of development as well ascolor since some of the other species may not achieve the same color by thesame point of physical development.

Any opinions are welcome as I probably won’t actually do the cuttings until tomorrow afternoon.

#15 = Pinus sylvestris
The pics don't fully show it but the stems are fully red and also the development looks good.IMG_0021.JPGIMG_0022.JPG

#19 = Pinus thunbergii
Here also, development and color look proper.
There are also a few others but I'll be taking a different procedure with them.

#21 = Pinus virginiana
A few good prospects here.
Watch the base of the seedlings, according to Bonsai Today #20 when they go from a rosy to violet color its time to make the cuttings. If that the path your taking.
Mine have not hatched yet HAHAHAHA!!
Watch the base of the seedlings, according to Bonsai Today #20 when they go from a rosy to violet color its time to make the cuttings. If that the path your taking.
Mine have not hatched yet HAHAHAHA!!
Yes, and #12 has an actual photograph showing color and development stage.
I'm on it...
Thanks for the info, I have in the mail form eBay. I have # 20 but not #12 yet
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