deal with severely root bounded bonsai and I think it works well
The segmented approach works well. And i like your decision to stage the next work session later. Here is my juniper waiting for a transplant. I use the same process, in this type of situation, however it is smaller and the lift not required. It is a Sierra juniper that i acquired from my teacher. Growth was slow last year and the drainage slowing down as well. Time for a repot to encourage new growth. I believe it was last repotted over five years ago. Tree was collected in 2006. Heavy Bending performed in 2009, repotted 2012. Kishu grafts started 2017. The reason i am waiting is we received a foot of snow the other day. What is another week or two in the journey
I will use a less Akadama in my mix. We are not as hot or dry throughout the year as your location.