Best method to thicken Jade trunk?


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Indiana, United States, Zone 6b
I’ve been reading a lot online and am seeing conflicting info on the best way to develop a thick trunk in C. Ovata. Some say pruning and nipping buds will direct energy to the trunk, some say letting the tree grow wild and then cutting back heavily is better. Does anyone here have some input? Thanks in advance.
Not really familiar with the species, but generally trees fatten with more foliage and extending shoots. So, grow for thickness.
For C. ovata, cut it back hard. Let it grow a year of so and cut it back hard again.
For C. ovata, cut it back hard. Let it grow a year of so and cut it back hard again.
Do I need to be concerned with cutting a certain amount of foliage off? I’ve grown jades casually just as houseplants but never tried to train them seriously. I would think you can chop it severely right? With almost no leaves left? They’ve been super resilient for me in the past.
Do I need to be concerned with cutting a certain amount of foliage off? I’ve grown jades casually just as houseplants but never tried to train them seriously. I would think you can chop it severely right? With almost no leaves left? They’ve been super resilient for me in the past.
You can cut them to a stump with no leaves. Within about 2 weeks they will start leafing out again
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