Great! Keep the crown as is for now then. As the tree fills in more its broad profile may tell you it’s time to grow upwards. Sometimes the trees just grow up anyways and one doesn’t notice until they look at older images.
More sun…. It’s an idea… certainly worth a try, yet a bit concerned about the duration of the sun, especially in the June/July period. Perhaps add an hour or two and see how things go?
Nyohozan is a sport of Kozan, part of the famous Kozan/Nikko family. These azaleas originated from the north of Japan. While this makes them naturally a bit more cold hardy, then don’t like the heat. Likely they aren’t so used to the long duration of sunlight in Sweden being as the northern most part of Japan is 45N vs Malmo 55.6N. (About 680 miles north)
That said, after spending years at sea in Alaska, Iceland, Greenland and the Arctic Ocean the angle of the sun at noon is a quite a bit lower up in your neck of the woods. So give it a try.
The first sign of trouble will be slower growth, red tinged edges of leaves and if way to much burn patches on leaves.
This is an image of burned patches on a rhododendron…healed as well as possible now… occurred about 90 days ago. Was redder then. Nyhozen likely would look much worse.
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