Beginner with Japanese White Pine

[QUOTE="Fridge, post: 738802, member: 30622 I will have a look at joining a club as it sounds like a great source of local info

Doubtless better than anything you'll get on here:rolleyes:.
1) You have a choice: a) keep the long candle; b) cut it off. There’s really no way to shorten it. If you think it’s too long, just cut it off, you have another shorter candle there.

Thanks, I think I'll end up going for option B then and cut the longest extension right back to its base to encourage growth elsewhere. Exciting - my first bit of pruning...

2). The white stuff is mychorrazzae. A beneficial soil fungus that keeps the tree absorb nutrients. Don’t even THINK about repotting this tree now. Wait until next early spring.

Thanks, just what I wanted to hear - I will wait
Hi all

I have been having a good look at this tree and have been having a think about the direction I want this tree to go in. Lockdown in the UK has turned me slightly obsessed!

Please note I will not be repotting this tree until next year on your recommendation @Adair! This is just for me to document my thinking about the direction I want the tree to go in and hopefully get some advice from you to help me with my planning and for when I wire the tree

Here is the current front
current front.jpg

And the same front with a slightly different angle (as suggested by Leo) which I agree looks better than the current angle. I have also put in how I would aim to wire pads in

new angle wiring aim.jpg

However the tree has a little shari already and I was wondering if this front below is better to give it a bit more interest? This is almost the back of the tree compared with the photo above. I have circled the little shari

new front wiring aim.jpg

Close up of the shari

Apologies for the long post but wondering what your take is between option 1 (same front, Leo's new angle) and option 2 (new front with shari facing the front)

In my mind I think the movement in the trunk is more appealing in option 1, but I like the added interest of the shari in option 2 but would love to hear your opinions on this

If you have read this far, then thank you very much already!

Nice tree. I personally would like to see a bit more curve to the secondary portion of the trunk. It may be a difficult bend at this point, but I think a second curve in the trunk would look more compatible with the lower part of the trunk. Just sayin
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