Award Winning Sea Hibiscus from Taiwan Hwa Fong Show

@Chuah, you need an "@" to tag @mcpesq817 (that is to produce an alert to him).

btw, I greatly enjoyed your recent blog posts as well as continue to eagerly 'consume' your threads here on BNut.
Thanks, great to learn how to tag the post for someone.
@mcpesq817 Just learned from Osoyoung how to tag and alert you the Sea hibiscus photos I posted for you.
Absolutely stunning. Thanks very much for posting. I bet they were mind-blowing in person.
@Chuah You forgot to mention to check out your blog. :D Good new stuff. Did you bring back any pots? I'm curious about their pots. Love some of the color and designs.
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@Chuah You forgot to mention to check out your blog. :D Good new stuff. Did you bring back any pots? I'm curious about their pots. Love some of the color and designs.
Thanks Martin. I brought back a few pots by local Taiwan potters. They are fantastic, though unknown outside of Taiwan, their pots are superb and a fraction of the price of Japanese pots. Here are a couple. I did buy several bonsai stands though. IMG_7045.JPG IMG_7003.JPG IMG_7027.JPG IMG_6993.JPG IMG_6995.JPG
Thanks Martin. I brought back a few pots by local Taiwan potters. They are fantastic, though unknown outside of Taiwan, their pots are superb and a fraction of the price of Japanese pots. Here are a couple. I did buy several bonsai stands though. View attachment 171144 View attachment 171142 View attachment 171143 View attachment 171145 View attachment 171146
Please introduce me to these potters. look great! I've been wanting Taiwanese pots.
Please introduce me to these potters. look great! I've been wanting Taiwanese pots.
It is hard to get the top 2 pots from this potter since he does them as a hobby and for his own use, seldom put anything for sales. I got them since we have been FB friends for a while and I made a trip to visit him for the first time. He lives out in the country and appreciated our efforts, and therefore, the pots as gifts :), sort of an Asian culture. I am attaching a photo of a hexagonal pot he made, it was so beautiful, glad that I had a chance to hold and admire it.

The potter for the third pot is semi-retired from making pots commercially, but a nursery in Taipei still carries his stocks. I will send you the contact. His glazes are fantastic and they are all different.
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