Anyone concerned with this early spring?


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Northeast Georgia
I’m near Atlanta and my trees are going crazy! Anybody else cautiously optimistic???
Right now my biggest concern is the seeds I put out last month won't get enough cold to germinate. I have 10 flats of native perennials and was planning to start 10 more yet, but I think I will need to put them in the fridge instead of planting outside.
Looks like mine made it through! One more day this weekend and I think I’ll be good to go!

I love moving trees in and out!
We’ve had several nights here in the 20’s and are looking at freezing temps through Tuesday so most of my trees that have leafed out are in the garage. That is not good since they are trying to grow leaves and branches and doing it in the dark makes for weak, lanky stems. I have many in the truck bed and just back them out into the driveway each day once it warms up enough just to give them enough light. I covered my trees in the ground growing bed with landscape fabric and buckets so have to unover them as well. It is beginning to become a real PITA.
Gotta say, it's pretty wild to see my deciduous just start pushing buds in mid-March. Typically have most fully leafed out by now. We actually had some winter this year.
Well.. Snow last week here. And now we are finally going to be frost-free for a longer period of time. I suspect everything will start shooting this weekend.
Hottest driest spring in a long time in central Florida, wreaking havoc on some of my repotted trees.
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