So...I'm on vyvanse for ADHD and about to switch meds because I get wayyy too overexcited and do shit like this:
I went to check the soil moisture because I wasn't sure whether it had been watered, and realized that my housemate never fully repotted. I couldn't get my moisure meter to the bottom because it hit glued rock. So I panicked and dumped the soil out. It was mostly dry coco coir with some perlite, with big chunks of glued rocks still layered in. The top soil was bone dry but the bottom was damp. I...bare rooted (
) the plant and honestly it doesn't have a whole lot of feeder roots for having been in that pot for 4+ years.
I repotted in the same pot with about 50% pumice, 25% Napa 8822 (DE), 25% coco coir, some of which was taken from the last pot and had that perlite still in it, so not quite 25%. Oh and about 3 tbps of worm castings. Then I put it out on a tall planter next to my front stoop, which is eastern facing and gets some shade in the mid-day due to the overhang from my house, and watered thoroghly with a pitcher of water that had about a tbps of 2-3-1 fish/seaweed emulsion.
Long story short, did I just kill this plant? Lmaoo....but seriously. It was on an eastern facing porch with lots of indirect light before- should I still ease it outside? What are the general guidelines for "easing" a plant? An hour extra each day?