Here's my two cents - pretty much regardless of the tree you are working with, you want to get the nebari developing. This means cutting roots back and getting them set up radially. Redwoods can take somewhat of a beating in this regard, so don't be too concerned when it's time to prune the roots back. Again, like so many of the trees we will work with, you need to ask yourself how tall of a tree do you ultimately want. The height of the tree will dictate the thickness of the base of the trunk you will need (usually 1:6 - 1:10). In turn, the thickness of the base of the trunk will dictate how long you grow the tree before doing the "real" bonsai work on branching etc. This last statement is somewhat of an oversimplification as you will need to determine whether you want to grow it freely and then make large cuts (leaving large scars) or to prune back in more of a cut and grow method. The latter will give you somewhat slower thickening, but better taper/movement and smaller scars.
With my DRs, I decided that they want to be larger specimens and am in the process of growing them out. I have 3 and have treated them somewhat differently to play around - one has a thread here. I got it as a stick and immediately repotted (it was really early spring) into a larger container than it came with and spread the roots out. By the end of the season I had slip potted it as it grew so much. It was slip potted again this year into a much larger container and allowed to grow into the ground. It's now well over 10 feet, with a 2.5" base. I will let it run for another season, but will start to prune off unwanted branches.