Another rmj

As soon as I started to style this tree the first time earlier in the thread I thought I could see an environmental influence to use in the design. I've been trying to continue with that in mind. I've wanted it to be there but subtle, not in your face but still influencing the design. Any guesses? I just made a couple very small adjustments out of curiosity to see if I could make it more apparent. I've been keeping it very subtle. Now it's just a bit less subtle. This is a quick gentle adjustment and the tree is not really wired thoroughly enough to really do it up but I think the clues are there.
I hope so anyways:)!

Ah, I just looked at the new pic. It's too easy now I think and that's a good thing, I'm relieved. Not gonna post it yet. Take your guesses and I'll show the pic later.
I'm thinking on both sides and on different areas to create more asymmetry. I will see if I can do a quick sketch :)
Nobody is curious or wants to take a guess here? See my post top of this page, There's a reason for the asymmetry, something to do with conditions where I imagine it to be growing.
Nobody is curious or wants to take a guess here? See my post top of this page, There's a reason for the asymmetry, something to do with conditions where I imagine it to be growing.
Are you talking about having widened the top of the shari? I bet this lower part of the tree was exposed to harsh winds and sun, but it could have been damaged, I suppose. Even if not, I like it (the shari).
Are you talking about having widened the top of the shari? I bet this lower part of the tree was exposed to harsh winds and sun, but it could have been damaged, I suppose. Even if not, I like it (the shari).

Hey Oso, no sorry my question must have been a bit unclear. Don't be looking for any changes. I've designed with an environmental influence since to first styling. I have changed it just a little to accentuate the influence but haven't shown that pic yet. I was wondering if anyone notices any forces at work in the shape of the tree.
Nobody is curious or wants to take a guess here? See my post top of this page, There's a reason for the asymmetry, something to do with conditions where I imagine it to be growing.
Looks to me like a tree that is standing in a prevailing wind from one direction much of the time. Not wind-swept per se and not a flag, but enough to keep the branches shorter and more up-turned on the upwind side. To @MACH5's point, I would create negative space on both sides, but a little more on the upwind side.
Looks to me like a tree that is standing in a prevailing wind from one direction much of the time. Not wind-swept per se and not a flag, but enough to keep the branches shorter and more up-turned on the upwind side. To @MACH5's point, I would create negative space on both sides, but a little more on the upwind side.

You got it!! Exactly! That's great, glad to see other eyes can pick it out.

I agree with you and Mach5. When the tree gives more I'll remove more. Probably shorten the upwind side a bit more and lengthen the downwind as well. Keep it subtle but show the wind just a little more. I'm hoping that keeping a specific environment in mind can help me create and maintain a nice wild and natural looking image.

Here's the comparison pics. The latest and another tweaked for effect showing the wind effect more.( less than 2 minutes work, just moved a few tips) Definitely blowing harder on the second pic no?

Ive been thinking of it as not windswept but wind caressed. Wind affected style maybe?

At the start of this thread a couple of us talked about similarity to giant redwood, I thought I was going to keep all branches trending upwards. I felt the wind blow while placing the first wire and went this way. I think of it as one of those junipers that are actually big real trees now.
image.jpg image.jpg
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You got it!! Exactly! That's great, glad to see other eyes can pick it out.

I agree with you and Mach5. When the tree gives more I'll remove more. Probably shorten the upwind side a bit more and lengthen the downwind as well. Keep it subtle but show the wind just a little more. I'm hoping that keeping a specific environment in mind can help me create and maintain a nice wild and natural looking image.

Here's the comparison pics. The latest and another tweaked for effect showing the wind effect more.( less than 2 minutes work, just moved a few tips) Definitely blowing harder on the second pic no?

Ive been thinking of it as not windswept but wind caressed. Wind affected style maybe?

At the start of this thread a couple of us talked about similarity to giant redwood, I thought I was going to keep all branches trending upwards. I felt the wind blow while placing the first wire and went this way. I think of it as one of those junipers that are actually big real trees now.
View attachment 155326 View attachment 155327
It's a cool tree! The trunk looks aged enough that maybe a jin at the apex would enhance the image. Also, one of the things Ryan Neil advocates to give a tree interest is to make the silhouette move in and out, rather than tapering smoothly from bottom to top. You have a little of that going on already, but it could be done more dramatically as the branches give you more to work with.
Just keep Kootenaying the shit out of this thing!

It's beautiful!

And that's acknowledging my "love wireme" bias!

Illustrated on several different prevailing wind trees(styles)In Master Nakas Bonsai Techniques II. Glad to see one break mold for a change:D.
Your picture of the roots on page 3 of this post looks like that tree could use a little root trim ad some fresh soil maybe? Those roots look so compacted I'm surprised it can get water or nutrients from your fertilizer. I could be wrong, but that was what came across my mind when I saw picture. It is an absolutely beautiful tree and you have done an amazing job at shaping it. When are you coming to my house to shape my junipers? I'm way behind on he shaping of my trees. Never seems to be enough time. :)

Your picture of the roots on page 3 of this post looks like that tree could use a little root trim ad some fresh soil maybe? Those roots look so compacted I'm surprised it can get water or nutrients from your fertilizer. I could be wrong, but that was what came across my mind when I saw picture. It is an absolutely beautiful tree and you have done an amazing job at shaping it. When are you coming to my house to shape my junipers? I'm way behind on he shaping of my trees. Never seems to be enough time. :)


Thanks. Yeah, I don't know about those roots and compaction etc. Seems like any juniper looks like that within a year of potting yet people leave them 3-5 years all the time and they do fine. Some people leave them way longer and they do fine. I have others that look way more rootbound and they are doing great. The water still flows through and health is if anything better than the last 2 years so I'm not too worried about it. The moss is getting a bit ridiculously thick and that makes it a bit harder to judge how much water is enough, too little and it doesn't pass into the substrate at all even though it looks wet. So I just give it lots and peek at the drain holes sometimes. Anyways I plan to repot next year, the tree should like it.
I hear ya about the time! It took me over 3 weeks just to sort of complete this one tree. That's a bit disturbing, gonna have to find a way to free up more time someday or things will get pretty shaggy around here! Like me.
Well, they are coming out.

Slight winter restyling but not bad at all. Foliage looks half dead, should be green again by next week. This was at the front, deeper mulch still frozen, it’s actually greened up a little already just in the last two days. I’m pretty sure it’s going into a stickroot pot this season B9B39993-5B7E-4668-A33D-E43B11B1B1CD.jpeg7A718F54-A9D2-4A22-8019-7ADD87C74B4B.jpeg7A14624A-E870-4609-BBED-5BA3118A2DCB.jpeg
There was just enough light for a quick pic so update now I guess.

I took pics repotting too. I was a bit worried about that ridiculous moss mound that had formed but actually roots looked quite happy under it all. Stickroot made a pot for this tree as a prize for a fall contest a couple years ago. I tried it out and liked the combo but opted for a deeper pot for a while first hoping that will help me get stronger growth than I’ve had. I’ve enjoyed working with this tree but it’s not progressing quickly! There are changes I want to make, bits to cut off but waiting for other bits to grow out more first. Also I missed my intended planting angle a bit, meant for a slight left inclination compared to current. I really though I had nailed it and was quite surprised the next day. I looked and saw that I was working on a stump that wasn’t level on top. I think that’s what threw me off, laughed at myself a bit over that one later. 51AD7C42-A993-4ECD-92E8-18FEC9AFFB11.jpegF1FA1F6B-1297-4ECB-8F3D-096749E39434.jpeg4611BE40-7143-4C03-9B72-CA97B0F0DC7F.jpegE8524608-43F4-4D30-9A74-64AFA03C10D9.jpegC4ECCA3E-0AD4-4B1D-96D3-3E987452C79E.jpeg
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