Brian, I love your tree. I saw it at the Nationals a couple years ago. So, I’m familiar with the styling, and spoke with Bjorn about it.
But, today’s image, while much softer than when it had been recently styled, seems a bit unbalanced. Maybe it’s the “camera effect” and it doesn’t do this in person, but it seems to me to be “off balance”.
At the Nationals, you and Bjorn had worked on getting the pads horizontal. Today, they’ve relaxed. I like the softness. But, for some reason, it appears to be falling to the left. I drew a line under the lower pads (with my finger on my iPhone, so it’s crude) but that diagonal, with the bottom of the left lower pads dropping left, and the bottom of the right lower pads rising, well, it just seems like the tree is in the process of falling to the left! Especially since the visual weight of the foliage is on the left.
I think if you were to make minor adjustments to both those pads to bring them both more horizontal, balance would be restored.
I would love to come see the show, but Young Chou will be at Atlanta Bonsai Society, and I need help with accent plants, too!
Good luck at the show!
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