American Bonsai Potters

Adam's signature and Thunderbird stamp in clay:

Adam Signature with Stamp.jpg

I hope he doesn't mind but here is his meaning behind using the Thunderbird as his chop: Thunderbird is the Creator, Destroyer and Controller of Nature and must be honored and appeased at all cost. This is where we see a connection to rain as the Thunderbird is the bringer of life-giving waters (so agriculture may thrive and provide to the tribe).

Adam Stamp.jpg
Adam's signature and Thunderbird stamp in clay:

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I hope he doesn't mind but here is his meaning behind using the Thunderbird as his chop: Thunderbird is the Creator, Destroyer and Controller of Nature and must be honored and appeased at all cost. This is where we see a connection to rain as the Thunderbird is the bringer of life-giving waters (so agriculture may thrive and provide to the tribe).

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Now that's a cool meaning behind a stamp! @Stickroot, can I add the blurb about your stamp to the website? I think that's an awesome and unique thing to share about you and your pottery.
You are sure welcome to use it.

Cool, I added it to your profile. I need to pick up a steel pot from you at some point if you make them often. It's just so different and unique. I have no idea what I would put in it. Maybe a urban planter tree that's struggling to survive or something. A little rust patina with the right tree would make a wild display in a show.
Sam Miller who probably has the best value for money out there. His pots sell for way less money than they should be. Well, for now anyway.
Do u know his website?
Do u know his website?

You can find his under his artist profile at Sorry, I've been waiting to say that.

Seriously though, he doesn't have a traditional website, but he posts much of his work on the Facebook page 'Intermountain Bonsai'. He also sells much of his work on the Facebook bonsai auction pages - 99 Cent Bonsai and others.
So the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the National Arboretum got back to me with an exciting opportunity. They are willing to give me access to their private collection of bonsai pottery (especially the American pottery) in exchange for some volunteering work. The volunteering will entail working with the pottery specialist to catalog and research the various pots they have in their collection. While helping out I'll have access to the pots and a lot of historical documentation on the pottery and trees. I'm meeting with them next Tuesday to solidify the details, but it sounds really cool. Thanks @rockm for mentioning the museum's collection of pottery - it's what spurred me to contact them in the first place.
So the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the National Arboretum got back to me with an exciting opportunity. They are willing to give me access to their private collection of bonsai pottery (especially the American pottery) in exchange for some volunteering work. The volunteering will entail working with the pottery specialist to catalog and research the various pots they have in their collection. While helping out I'll have access to the pots and a lot of historical documentation on the pottery and trees. I'm meeting with them next Tuesday to solidify the details, but it sounds really cool. Thanks @rockm for mentioning the museum's collection of pottery - it's what spurred me to contact them in the first place.

Congratulations! I am so glad they--and you--are doing this work .

It's been a long time coming. I think you will be blown away by what they have lurking in the backroom, particularly the Nick Lenz pots...not to mention the high end Japanese and Chinese-donated containers. BTW, ask around with the curator and other volunteers about details on some of the pots. Just don't DROP any of them ;-)
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I'm really excited to see what they have in their collection. Hopefully I can collect as many details as possible about the pots they have - that would be awesome info to use for the website. I'm going to use the "look but don't touch" policy for the first day at least...
@thams, I just realized you live in Alexandria, VA. Not sure you follow the Walking Dead or not. Anyway congrats on your volunteer work at the National Exhibit. I would love to spend some time working there on thier trees.
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