Aloysia Citriodora (Lemon Verbena)


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Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Was wondering if anybody else has attempted to bonsai the humble Lemon Verbena?
This stump was pulled out a few years back and the extensive dead wood was carved
I remember bringing the stump to my local bonsai club for some styling advice to be told by a more senior member the only thing it was good for was the BBQ!!!!! Some folks are way too caught up in rules - it limits imagination in my opinion.
Anyway, I think it’s now on the way to becoming a very nice tree.
But I haven’t seen another in Australia and am keen to see if anyone else has one in their collection.

The Aloysia is not winter hardy where I live, I never get to see interesting trunks like your trunk on a Aloysia. Nice. I am glad you collected that. There is not reason I can think of, or that I heard of that you can't turn this into a presentable bonsai. Ignore the naysayers. Or if you do listen, ask why, then know that what they warn you about is a weakness you just have to keep an eye out for. Looks good.
I'm in Ireland overwintering a Lemon Verbena for 6 years now and intend on turning it into something like this. I'm obsessed with it. Beautiful. Well done.
Wow really nice, probably the best example in the world of that species in bonsai, here where I live they grow like weeads and can become little trees
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