Air layering mugo pines


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If you have to... patience!

It can be done but it takes a few years. Soil around said section to trunk and leave it for two or better yet theee growing seasons. Then check
Thanks guys! Guess I’ll shift my time elsewhere. Being octogenarian, fraid I won’t have the time...
Great little mugos can be had for about $15 at a garden center nursery in my area - go buy a few and dive in.

But do try air layering that mugo and, next spring, so deciduous trees. It takes maybe a total of an hour to affect an air layer and then its a waiting game. So, instead of just twiddling your thumbs, work on those nursery mugos, azaleas, cotoneasters, pyracantha, etc. Now and then observe all the interesting physiological stuff that goes on with layering. It will give you something to talk about with the great grand kids (even if they aren't yours).

btw, I also find it great fun to grow stuff from seed and/or dig up volunteer seedlings from my yard, put them in small pots and aim for making the smallest bonsai I can. It is huge fun and 'instant gratification' that keeps on giving.
No sax! But my ole beat up trombone was passed on to my musically talented grandson years ago who now has two kiddies of his own. Maybe I can influence them towards growing little trees in pots! And I might just try air layering that ole mugo outside the fireplace chimney..... As they say. “Nothing ventured, nothing lost”. And we’ll just let time in His hands. Hey! This is fun. : )
I got cuttings to root in a single summer. 1 out of 20 though, and it didn't live long.
You'll need a high strength rooting hormone.
My first ever air layer attempt was a Pinus mugo pumila and it was well rooted and successfully separated in about 3 months ,so theyre actually not that slow if you do it right! Guess I just got lucky!!
I started it in Mid May, removed 1 inch bark strip, dusted with rooting powder and wrapped it in damp moss and covered in black polythene and then left it alone.I was amazed how well it rooted.
No sax! But my ole beat up trombone was passed on to my musically talented grandson years ago who now has two kiddies of his own. Maybe I can influence them towards growing little trees in pots! And I might just try air layering that ole mugo outside the fireplace chimney..... As they say. “Nothing ventured, nothing lost”. And we’ll just let time in His hands. Hey! This is fun. : )

Nothing like a post containing both great granddadisms and going after something not even these "youths" would do!

Big Cheers!

Post of the Year!

Get that Mugo!

I’ve had success.

when you ring bark it add some powdered rooting hormone then pack a black bag with sphagnum moss. Keep moist but not wet.Try and do it in summer.

In one year it had roots.
I successfully air layered a couple JBP. In my Chicago Summers it took 2 years to get roots, so if when you check for roots, if you only have callus, just rewrap it up and check next summer. It can go fast, 3 months or it can take longer. It should eventually take.
Hmmm. Replies are both incouraging and discouraging! Can’t wait for Spring to make a try of it. I’ve got trees of other species from all over the property and neighborhood picked out for scouring and wrapping with sphagum. Looking forward to a fun summer with lots of roots sprouting.
Thanks guys! Guess I’ll shift my time elsewhere. Being octogenarian, fraid I won’t have the time...
That is wise. Being Septuagenarian myself I recently discovered the curses of Agent Orange are catching up to me, the outcome of said disability may severly curtail my future bonsai work. Point being you never know when something in the menue of life my catch up with you so keep your goals reasonable and doable.
That is wise. Being Septuagenarian myself I recently discovered the curses of Agent Orange are catching up to me, the outcome of said disability may severly curtail my future bonsai work. Point being you never know when something in the menue of life my catch up with you so keep your goals reasonable and doable.
Thank You “Lord”
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