Air layer sorcery


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Longmont, Colorado
I started an air layer a couple weeks ago, on one of my variegated ficus to remove an ugly trunk and eventually end up with a cascade. This is my first air layer and it all seems so magical and mysterious.
How long do I wait to remove it? Should I cut it open to check for roots? Should I check it to make sure it hasn't dried out?
It is still putting out new leaves. I expected it to wilt, but it hasn't. Do the roots still feed the leaves, but by way of the moss? How is air layering different than cutting off the top completely and wrapping the end in wet moss?

It shouldn't dry out, I use a seringe to water it, and you can remove if there are enough roots (I use transparent plastic for that).
If I can I use open transparent PET bottles for AL. Then it's not difficult to water and see the forming roots. For ficus AL I needed only few weeks, but this variegated is somehow slower in all aspects.
...And sth more...I wouldn't divide the layered part if there're no leaves below the layer, if you want too keep the mother plant. Benjaminas can fail in this case.
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...And sth more...I wouldn't devide the layered part if there're no leaves below the layer, if you want too keep the mother plant. Benjaminas can fail in this case.
I don't really find anything below the layer to be worth keeping. I might just let it go after the chop to see what happens, for research purposes..
Looks like a good plan so far!

I thought at first you were layering a crap trunk. are ditching the crap trunk!

Note my Ben layer here....
Cut off with hardly any rootage.....
Then took off after separation.™-a-season-saver.17046/

The clear plastic is a go for me too!

The easier to check on the better!

Well I peeled it off to inspect. No root growth and the moss was mostly dry. So plan B. I re-scraped the cut section to make sure I got all the cambium. This time I am using a transparent plastic cup filled with potting soil and perlite. I would have liked to add a "radialayer" to spread out the future roots, but there wasn't enough room in the small cup..

This could grow into a nice exposed root joint....

I like it.

I started an air layer a couple weeks ago, on one of my variegated ficus
A little off topic, but...
I did a trunk chop on a big ficus houseplant (not variegated) and the new shoots are variegated, unlike the foliage from before the cut. Pretty disappointing.
Houston, we have separation..

I was going to throw away the stump, but it grew some sprouts and it is nice and ugly. So I am going to let it grow and see what happens..
So how long did it take to root? I asked the same question a week or so ago. Mine has had the layer about a month, but I used white plastic from a shopping bag (recycle/reuse) cuz I have plenty. Doesnt light affect the new roots? It never wilted. I went almost too deep, maybe, in order to not have the bark heal instead of rooting. For referance my normal green benjis root in a few weeks, and can be seperated after a month.
I think I will cut off the zip ties and have a looksee. Even here in Costa Rica the veriagated types grow slower. Im still sad about one I killed, it was another species or cultivar with small leaves and great ramification. Still looking for I have a "regular" veriagated that has the layer. Btw, cuttings stay happy looking but are slow to root. But I think they will. After a month they would be dead if not, I think.
Anyway any info on veriagated ficus is a help to me, thanks for posting, and sorry for the late response..
I checked out my air layer on my variagated benji and after a month or so theres one root. So I wrapped it up again and will wait another month to see if its ready to be seperated. I had a little piece on the ground from trimming. Its always wet there. It rooted! With two leaves and maybe 2" of twiggy stem. My planted cuttings are bigger and on the two month plan. Wierd trees!
Sorce, I thought the white roots couldnt be in the sun. The brown ones from the trunk dont mind at all. But I think I read that somewhere. Thats why I used white plastic, not clear. Now Im tempted to get some seran wrap or sandwich bags, so I can see without unwrapping the layer. I ran out of zip ties so Im using a mini bunjee cord. I dont imagine it will have any effect. Hope not, anyway...
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