I started an air layer a couple weeks ago, on one of my variegated ficus to remove an ugly trunk and eventually end up with a cascade. This is my first air layer and it all seems so magical and mysterious.
How long do I wait to remove it? Should I cut it open to check for roots? Should I check it to make sure it hasn't dried out?
It is still putting out new leaves. I expected it to wilt, but it hasn't. Do the roots still feed the leaves, but by way of the moss? How is air layering different than cutting off the top completely and wrapping the end in wet moss?
How long do I wait to remove it? Should I cut it open to check for roots? Should I check it to make sure it hasn't dried out?
It is still putting out new leaves. I expected it to wilt, but it hasn't. Do the roots still feed the leaves, but by way of the moss? How is air layering different than cutting off the top completely and wrapping the end in wet moss?