I mentioned my dwarf trident maple (Acer buergerianum) in (another thread) recently. I decided creating a thread for it here in the maple forum would not be a bad thing to do, since information about the variety isn't particularly plentiful on the Internet. Its variety is either 'Miyasama kaede yatsubusa' or 'Miyasama yatsubusa'. I'm unsure if these are both the same thing by a slightly different names or if these are the names of two completely different varieties. I strongly suspect the former, as the latter would be very confusing.
I want to point out that I do not consider this to be bonsai yet. I'm hoping to create a somewhat larger tree with a much thicker trunk. The finished tree will probably be in the range of 12 to 18 inches tall, unless I change my mind.
Attached are pictures taken of it from summer 2008 to winter 2009. The first was taken a few minutes after I took it out of the shipping box. I wish I'd gotten some better pictures of the fall color before it finished dropping most of its leaves, because it puts on quite a show. The two leaves pictured were two of the smallest I found of what didn't blow away. I'm hoping these are giving me some indication of how much the leaves can be reduced once that time has come, but that might be wishful thinking.
I want to point out that I do not consider this to be bonsai yet. I'm hoping to create a somewhat larger tree with a much thicker trunk. The finished tree will probably be in the range of 12 to 18 inches tall, unless I change my mind.
Attached are pictures taken of it from summer 2008 to winter 2009. The first was taken a few minutes after I took it out of the shipping box. I wish I'd gotten some better pictures of the fall color before it finished dropping most of its leaves, because it puts on quite a show. The two leaves pictured were two of the smallest I found of what didn't blow away. I'm hoping these are giving me some indication of how much the leaves can be reduced once that time has come, but that might be wishful thinking.