What does 10,000 cuttings have to do with anything? It's apparent that you have very selective memory recall. Sure I have 10's of thousands of cuttings, seedlings, and under developed stock. I also have hundreds of specimens, and thousands of pre-bonsai waiting for wire. What your selective memory seems to have forgotten is that NONE of them are for sale. Nor will they ever be. I am not in the selling trees business, nor will I ever be. For that matter I am in no business at all. 100% loss on every dollar i have spent.
My agenda if you can call it that is simple. As each generation passes they become less driven and aware of their surroundings and impact on the planet. Every generation becomes more driven by instant gratification no matter the cost. Half of the youth in this county are not eve aware of where their food comes from let alone the horrible things they are ingesting because they so blindly trust that "they wouldn't be allowed to sell it if it was poison". Every generation becomes more blind with consumerist tunnel vision, They get that newest iPhone and 6 months later when the newest iteration of it comes out they have to have it, not because theirs is bad, but because they must consume, worse is that most of them, their parents are the ones paying for it so they don't even understand the true cost of such wasteful insanity.
Bonsai teaches people patience. It helps one develop an understanding that you get what you put in and that you have to work towards true greatness. It makes people slow down and look at nature. 80% of the planet suffers from a very real disease called tree blindness, unaware of the ecosystem around them that allows them to breath. Bonsai is the cure, it teaches them to slow down and look, and understand.
Bonsai is a tool.
There is no horse, and there is no cart.
There is a carrot, and s stick.
The stick is what hits these kids in the face when they can eat the air they breath, die before they reach their 20's from any number of things they ingest that cause a litany of illnesses like cancer, or worse a global extinction event when this planet decides it has had enough and decides to pull the handle and flush away the infection that is ripping it apart.
Bonsai is the carrot. It is all about slow down, pay attention, and be aware. People can argue all they want, but nobody will ever convince me that Bonsai is not the PERFECT tool to start re-shaping what is wrong with the majority of youth on this planet. There are other ways, but bonsai is my medium of conveyance.