Thanks for your reply.
No, what I am saying is I that I am just at a loss... maybe it is just a comfort thing, I mean I see folks
Like Ryan Niel, Kimura, Min Lo, Robert Stevens, and hundreds of other folks from all around the globe
Striving to try and express themselves in this art form. They are looking at their material and asking
Themselves how can I do something that perhaps no one has seen... how can I create something unique ???
How can I do a tree that is different than any other tree that I have already done ??? For what would be the
Purpose of just doing the same thing over and over again ??? How as an artist would I progress if I did ???
So, I see them pushing boundaries of what can be done with a tree. I see them cutting, bending, contorting
Branches, I see them lifting trees and looking for different angles to plant them at, to give a different perspective
To the tree. I see them always searching for a better way to make the most of what is within the tree. I see
Them pushing boundaries for what is acceptable in Bonsai, and in essence creating new rules. Then I think to
Myself, this is what Bonsai is all about... this is what all art is about.
That in order for me to get better, in order for me to even have a chance of trying to make what one might consider
A world class tree, I must do the same... That in order for anyone here to do this, they must do the
Same... So, I am sorry that I just don't agree with your beliefs of personal taste. I think taste is all
Relative to one's exposure... I think taste is a learned emotion and I just don't get how everyone here
At the Nut, can make definitive decisions of what they like and do not like, especially seeing that there are
No Bonsai masters here, I think this type of thinking closes one off too, and in my opinion, tells me
One is not progressing. Because if one was, one's taste should be constantly changing as new learning is
Being taken in. No one should like the same things they did when they first started bonsai, or even what they
Liked a year ago... they should in theory change as one gets better.
Now, I understand not everyone is going to like what I am doing, and that's fine... they don't have too.
But, when I get replies on an unfinished tree like your tree looks un-natural, it has a butt like J-Lo, or that
I shouldn't tilt a straight tree, it's like really ??? And a light just switches off, for as arrogant as this may sound,
It just makes me think this peron does not really know what they are talking about... for if they did, they
Wouldn't be saying such things... cause why can't you ? These things are done all the time in the world of
Bonsai, and as far as being un-natural, one can easily do a Google image search and within a minute or
Two, find a pic of a tree in nature doing the exact same thing.
So, I don't know what to think... or how to respond.