A recent look at 'Penelope' by Nick Lenz

Think Nick Lenz is the most creative bonsai artist ever. Wish he were still working in the medium.
I am sure I posted this before. But I went to the 2019 show and posted some pics online, if you are interested: https://www.growingbonsai.net/nick-lenz-exhibition/
PEnelope was there too. I think the show brought together the biggest collection of Lenz' work ever.
Thank you. Someone else posted work and I've been able to study him and his work both here and elsewhere. I wish there were more to see and read.

People talk about bonsai and art. His work is the closest thing I've seen that shows an artist can use trees as a medium to create fine art. He's brilliant and executed beautifully. He was an artist who happened to work in bonsai and clay and used bonsai as part of his mixed media creations. I so wish he would continue to create.
Is his trees still around on bonsai shows??
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