A Pyra'maniac, I May Become

time to start the rebuild. i picked up some overly strong shoots from the bush I've been messing with, reduced the side shoots, sprayed off with hydrogen peroxide, fresh cut with a razor, soaked in clonex, potted into coco/perlite mix, and put under a dome under a table. last time i took some cuttings, i stuck them in some bonsai soil and put them on the table, and i only got 3 out of 12 with halfway decent roots. they definitely weren't as big as these, either.

Lookin' mighty good! I have not had good luck with cuttings this year but I keep trying new improvements to my technique. I had been using an Xacto knife but I will try a fresh razor blade. I have a nice area in my landscape where Tom Thumb Cotoneaster has run wild, and I have my eye on some good strong shoots.
two cuttings made it from post #30. i wired them up a couple weeks ago when i saw growth had started again. here we are after wire removal. they hate deep wire scars so i was peeping hard like a HOA karen. im going to keep uppotting till the wired section gets to the size i want it at and then ill airlayer them off.

three nice hopefuls from another batch i took in early august.

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uppotted the two root-riot-plug cuttings from earlier this year. it was a nice gentle slip pot like you would do a cannabis clone. a few weeks later they've put on some more growth. they should be monstrous by the time the roots fill a 3gal.

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