Replace "club" with any other word...
Or definition if you must use that word...
Resident Evil?
It's the same ego and greed of man and senseless "I can't be wrong" , closed minded BS that plagues...
Little League...the School System...
Marriages....Boy Scouts...
And other of these similar organizations, that keeps a "club" from being successful.
I was thinking the other day about "advice" blah...
Here is an enlightening fact...shit of a nature to ACTUALLY create a good bonsai atmosphere....
I came to the realization yesterday...
"That every piece of advice I ever Recieved about Bonsai. ...
Has helped Me Personally get better at Bonsai.
However, my tree's didn't begin to reflect this until I began to Identify this "Human" side of Bonsai"
Now that I sorted through the "human" element that has kept me from realizing success...I can grow, and start utilizing all this acquired advice how it applies in my garden.
It's the same as every other organization that means to "teach"...
Fuck...for example...I think Our school systems should be comprised of grades that include 3 year spans..because it is obvious a more properly focused class can be ages DO NOT DEFINE LEVEL OF EDUCATION.
It would be easier for an underpaid teacher to teach 30 kids of the same intelligence level as none will get bored.
You have to Identify the deepest of individual needs....
For instance...when pondering the Women in Bonsai article I mean to write....
The only women at the WP workshop I went to...had to be instructed by our man
@adamjcode on how to properly hold a cutting tool.
It is not enough to simply say, cut here...
Even yesterday, I found myself foolishly working in an uncomfortable position, in the excitement of creating....
But further ...
This is the "rapid life" we live, high on sugar and 5hour energy trying to "focus"!
Ha! It just doesn't happen!
It won't happen!
The most successful club will be found operating out of the back room of a dispensary.
Ha! You remember the most disgusting human ever?
Pondering that shit...
The only reason these systems operate all fucked cuz for that dude who was my supervisor...
He doesn't need to talk slicker than me to hold his own against the higherups...
He only needs talk slicker than them.
On the Street I would knock this dude the fuck out calling bluffs and truth eventually bleeds from somewhere....
Corporate world prevents that shit.
So these egotistical fucks that wouldn't survive a day in any of many real life situations where "shit gets real" remain dominant on a world where some Actually Dominant dudes bitch add weak son got handed over some shit and Bullshit became the norm.
I went to an interview the other day, spoke with a confident dominant man who I would love to work for...
Enter the "new superintendent" for this season who has found 20 years of independent work enough...blah...there's the bitch ass gonna get scared of me.
So do I work with the Properly adjusted Mexican immigrants who won't see anything but a family loving hard working intelligent individual that ain't afraid to bust ass with them for $11/hr? Eee...a third of what hasnt provided enough in the past?
So it goes......