2021 Forest From Seed(ling) 8 (or 6) Year Contest
This will be a contest with two independent divisions, both may begin on or after December 15th, 2020.
Common Guidelines applying to both divisions
Notes on judging and contest end (applies to both divisions)
Specific rules for the "From Seed Division"
Specific rules for the "Sapling Division"
You can post any questions in this thread or PM me.
This will be a contest with two independent divisions, both may begin on or after December 15th, 2020.
- In the "sapling" division, contestants may begin with trees that are up to 10 years old and the contest will finish on December 31, 2027
- In the "from seed" division, contestants must begin with seeds and the contest will finish on December 31, 2029
Common Guidelines applying to both divisions
- Contestants may participate in one or both divisions, but each planting may only belong to a single division
- Contestants may start as many plantings as they like, but must choose one to submit for final judging per division
- Any species of plant are allowed
- You can mix species within a single planting if you like
- There must be at least four individual plants in the final planting. A clump (one plant with multiple trunks) is ok to include within your planting, but each clump only counts as one plant. There is no maximum number of individuals per planting
- You may move, add, or subtract trees to your planting at any time, but they must comply with the rules of the division (see more in division specific rules below)
- You must document the forest at least yearly and also after any re-arrangements or major work (e.g. wiring several trees).
- While late entries are permitted, a thread with pictures must have begun at least 2 years prior to that particular division's end date in order to be in the running for voting. Basically, I don't want to see a planting show up for final judging in the last year that we have never seen before.
Notes on judging and contest end (applies to both divisions)
9. While the contest is running, plants may be grown however you please (in ground, in pots, whatever). By December 31st of the year that your planting's division ends (2027/2029), you must submit up to three photographs (could be different angles or differently zoomed or even different seasons) of your forest in some form of container/slab/rock/pot. At least one of these photos must be from the final year of the contest for that planting.
10. Voting will take place over 2 weeks in January following each division's end. Roughly from January 8th-22nd. I'm going see about lining up a potential tie-breaker judge in case that is needed.
11. Stands, companion plants, and/or moss are not necessary to include in the final pictures, but are encouraged.
12. "Most pleasing forest" winner (1 per division) will be determined by popular vote. I will try to either find some prizes or will be happy to pay shipping to send out prizes if people have something that they'd like to donate.
13. There will also be a vote for "Most pleasing unconventional forest" (1 per division), but there might not be prizes for the winners here. "Most pleasing unconventional forest" is up to the voter to decide what that means...but some things that might qualify include mixed-species plantings, uncommon species for forest plantings, a unique use of a container.
14. There will also be a vote for "Best documentation of their forest's progression" (1 per division), but there might not be prizes for the winners here.
15. It is possible to win 2 or all of "Most pleasing forest," "Most pleasing unconventional forest," and "Best documentation of their forest's progression" within a division.
16. This contest is mainly about learning, teaching, and sharing our forest plantings with each other. Keep your expectations low and assume that any prizes earned will be inexpensive...we'll see what I am able to find for it over the next few years. The main rewards should be knowledge, community support, a few celebratory GIFs, and maybe even a great forest or two for your bench.
Specific rules for the "From Seed Division"
A. You must take a picture of your future forest in seed form or seeds in tray form on or after December 15th, 2020. If you already sew them in the ground or a flat, that's ok, but include a photo of that space pre-germination.
B. You may begin the process of germinating your seeds on or after December 15th, 2020 - after you have taken your first picture (A). This is defined as bringing the seeds up to germination temperature AND putting them into some kind of moist substrate that they can grow in.
C. You may add additional seedlings to your forest at future timepoints, but these seedlings must have been either germinated from seed on December 15, 2020 or later -OR- you may also use cuttings/layers from a parent tree that was germinated on December 15, 2020 or later.
D. You may begin multiple forests and document each within their own thread, but you must choose one forest's thread to submit for the final judging.
E. Entitle your threads, "From Seed Division: ____"(include your username and then species or whatever else you would like to include to describe your thread)
F. You must submit up to three photos for final judging by December 31st, 2029. Judging of compositions from this division will take place during the second week of January 2030 and will have a greater focus on the arrangement and potential of the forest rather than maturity.
Specific rules for the "Sapling Division"
G. You may not use a forest that you have already assembled prior to December 15th, 2020.
H. You may use trees that you already own or that you collect, but they must comply with the other guidelines
I. On December 15, 2020 (or at the point that that particular plant enters the contest or your planting), all plants used must be less than 10 years old (to the best of your knowledge) and with a maximum trunk caliper (per individual plant or clump) of 2.5 inches (6.35 cm). Trunk caliper should be measured 2 inches above the soil line or highest surface root (whichever is higher).
J. You must take a picture of your saplings un-assembled (either in separate containers or bare-rooted or separately growing in the ground) at some point on or after December 15, 2020.
K. You may add additional saplings to your forest at future timepoints, but these must comply with guideline I (above).
L. You may begin multiple forests and document each within their own thread, but you must choose one forest's thread to submit for the final judging.
M. Entitle your threads, "Sapling Division: _________"(include your username and then species or whatever else you would like to include to describe your thread).
N. You must submit up to three photos by December 31st, 2027 in order to be eligible for final judging. Judging of compositions from this division will take place during the second week of January 2028.
You can post any questions in this thread or PM me.