I've got some Q's on BC's as time-to-collect approaches and seeing several other BC-threads near the top of this sub-forum, I figured a merged/mega would be practical! (if a mod feels like changing this to "Some specific Q's on collecting BC's and after-care" instead please don't hesitate, I thought this would just work better!)
First-and-Foremost: What are your thoughts on "the ideal/optimal time to collect a BC?" In anticipation of this year's season, I've begun thinking how I *could* be collecting right now, that it'd just be dumb as the supple back-budded growth would have to face most of winter still, however in thinking about this topic I've concluded that the time for this, heck the time for most-every bonsai-procedure, isn't best thought of as a date on the calendar but specifically *and only* based upon the plant, IE it's fair to say that "Late Feb will tend to be / likely be a great time to collect BC's", but far more accurate to say "it's optimal to collect BC's right-before bud-break", if that makes sense! I know that last year I had a sub-50% success rate, but of the two that survived, one was the first one I'd collected last season and that was on Feb 2nd., am actively trying to find a way to see historic weather-data so I can see when the frost-nights were last year - if any floridians keep a more detailed journal than me I'd be forever grateful to know the dates of last year's coldest eves!- but I think the smartest approach is to ignore the calendar & focus on the weather and the trees to discern your best collection-date! I plan to do this under the assumption that right-before bud-break is optimal, IE that doing it when buds are already breaking-open adn growing, you're going to weaken it / it's later than optimal, and that if you do it too soon you'll have supple juvenile back-budding that may not make it - I'm unsure which way is better/safer to err towards!
So I'm like a kid-near-christmas right now, with BC collection season so close, but wanted to ask you guys some things that I can't quite figure-out fully myself, think it's best to just bullet-point it for brevity, any & all answers/thoughts/suggestions/additions are appreciated very much!!
, anyways for this season I want to get several new BC's and am planning on making a raised-bed for them & some other specimen I have of different species, anyways I'll be making a 'bulk substrate' and am thinking of just using a very heavy pine-bark mixture, however I've yet to find legitimate, *composted* pine-bark so that's a problem....**What of Solarizing stuff?** I've had the thought over&over for weeks now that I should be taking my substrate-screens and collecting the HUMUS from around my woods, so that I can begin solarizing it for bugs/pests and have it ready for (2-4wks?) collection time, seems an easy/cheap/practical way of getting a lot of good, organic matter w/o worries of problematic nematodes/etc!
[I should note, ^that is the tree that has me most thinking "when spring comes, that is **not** ready to have the primary-leader hard-pruned yet, in fact I'm hoping for thoughts/confirmation on the idea that you shouldn't cut-back your new leader until it's at least 80% of the final-girth you'd have wanted, much like you wouldn't stop the growth of an in-ground specimen by collecting it before its trunk was proper!
Thanks a ton for any & all contributions to this thread, and to anyone unfamiliar-with / new-to BC's, please don't hesitate to post Q's, others & myself are happy to answer all the basics Happy New-Year BC, and happy gardening!!!
PS- In preparation of the collection-season (and the next growing-season for my established ones), I've been re-watching every BC video I can find and in watching @BillsBayou 's most-recent most-recent-video there was something I was curious about- Bill is going to do a submersion on a long-time-in-training specimen (2 decades IIRC!!) that hasn't been submerged in a curiosity is because of the fact that it seemed like he was going to go ahead and do it *then*, in Feb when the tree was dormant. That, and the fact he was doing heavy wiring, had me thinking that my timings may be off....I'm not as well-read on the submersion stuff, I know it does give bigger trunks & knee-possibility and that back&forth flooding / tidal flooding is better than always-submerged, however submersion aside- wouldn't you avoid doing styling in winter? He was bringing it to a club so it makes all the sense in the world in that context IE it's not bad/worrisome/hurting it, am just curious if it's optimal (IE to discern if he was doing it then because it was a good time in his eyes, or if it was a bit sooner to make it for the club), my understanding & intuition would be that the styling should be done right around / right before bud-break, would love to hear Bill's or anyone's thoughts on these curiosities!
First-and-Foremost: What are your thoughts on "the ideal/optimal time to collect a BC?" In anticipation of this year's season, I've begun thinking how I *could* be collecting right now, that it'd just be dumb as the supple back-budded growth would have to face most of winter still, however in thinking about this topic I've concluded that the time for this, heck the time for most-every bonsai-procedure, isn't best thought of as a date on the calendar but specifically *and only* based upon the plant, IE it's fair to say that "Late Feb will tend to be / likely be a great time to collect BC's", but far more accurate to say "it's optimal to collect BC's right-before bud-break", if that makes sense! I know that last year I had a sub-50% success rate, but of the two that survived, one was the first one I'd collected last season and that was on Feb 2nd., am actively trying to find a way to see historic weather-data so I can see when the frost-nights were last year - if any floridians keep a more detailed journal than me I'd be forever grateful to know the dates of last year's coldest eves!- but I think the smartest approach is to ignore the calendar & focus on the weather and the trees to discern your best collection-date! I plan to do this under the assumption that right-before bud-break is optimal, IE that doing it when buds are already breaking-open adn growing, you're going to weaken it / it's later than optimal, and that if you do it too soon you'll have supple juvenile back-budding that may not make it - I'm unsure which way is better/safer to err towards!
So I'm like a kid-near-christmas right now, with BC collection season so close, but wanted to ask you guys some things that I can't quite figure-out fully myself, think it's best to just bullet-point it for brevity, any & all answers/thoughts/suggestions/additions are appreciated very much!!
- - If doing periodic-submersions, are there any "best-guesses" as to when to do them? My only intuition here is to simply do the submersion - unsure for how long - during the month(s) that are the wettest here, the months when it'd normally have gotten submerged in nature (though to be fair my two BC's are from ponds that don't dry-out, that are still under-water right now and it's one of our driest months; May is the driest month, with July being the wettest, I think that for my established BC's that, this year, I'll almost let them get (not dry, but not as well-watered as usual I guess) in the last weeks of May and then, when rain starts in June, begin floodings and then do a submersion on July 1st and keep it submerged for our wettest couple months!
- Is it appropriate to just not-prune my established BC's this spring? It seems that pruning in spring (well, before / at bud-break) in year 2 is "the norm", however while I've got two fatty leaders on my BC's I know they're not nearly as thick as I need just yet, so the idea of cutting them and slowing them seems pretty silly to me, my 'mental game-plan' for approaching their spring-pruning, if any, is to leave their primaries
- It's my 2nd-season of collecting BC's, last year I was walking my swamp in tennis shoes, squatting-over with a bread-knife & 2' garden-loppers to collect my trees (and bike them home rofl!), this year I want to approach this better so (not just for this) I've gotten an 18V sawzall I plan to use for the trunk-choppings on-site when collecting (have never found anything worth getting that wasn't in at least 6-10" of water), and have a Stihl scythe (thing is amazing!!) and an off-brand one, and the loppers (and a truck!!) So my my 'Optimal Scouting/Collecting Plan' right now is to have my belt with scythes & lopper on one side, sawzall on the other, and plastic-bags over my shoes as I walk the area, then I'll get out, change shoes and start removing whatever muck I think is worth removing on-site (friend whose property this is has lights and everything so, on the likely chance I end up collecting in the eve at least once, I'll be able to get full light ) Then home and essentially carve it down (but not bare-root!) harder like Bill or Schley would (maybe even as aggressive as @Zach Smith goes!) and set them up!
, anyways for this season I want to get several new BC's and am planning on making a raised-bed for them & some other specimen I have of different species, anyways I'll be making a 'bulk substrate' and am thinking of just using a very heavy pine-bark mixture, however I've yet to find legitimate, *composted* pine-bark so that's a problem....**What of Solarizing stuff?** I've had the thought over&over for weeks now that I should be taking my substrate-screens and collecting the HUMUS from around my woods, so that I can begin solarizing it for bugs/pests and have it ready for (2-4wks?) collection time, seems an easy/cheap/practical way of getting a lot of good, organic matter w/o worries of problematic nematodes/etc!
[I should note, ^that is the tree that has me most thinking "when spring comes, that is **not** ready to have the primary-leader hard-pruned yet, in fact I'm hoping for thoughts/confirmation on the idea that you shouldn't cut-back your new leader until it's at least 80% of the final-girth you'd have wanted, much like you wouldn't stop the growth of an in-ground specimen by collecting it before its trunk was proper!
Thanks a ton for any & all contributions to this thread, and to anyone unfamiliar-with / new-to BC's, please don't hesitate to post Q's, others & myself are happy to answer all the basics Happy New-Year BC, and happy gardening!!!
PS- In preparation of the collection-season (and the next growing-season for my established ones), I've been re-watching every BC video I can find and in watching @BillsBayou 's most-recent most-recent-video there was something I was curious about- Bill is going to do a submersion on a long-time-in-training specimen (2 decades IIRC!!) that hasn't been submerged in a curiosity is because of the fact that it seemed like he was going to go ahead and do it *then*, in Feb when the tree was dormant. That, and the fact he was doing heavy wiring, had me thinking that my timings may be off....I'm not as well-read on the submersion stuff, I know it does give bigger trunks & knee-possibility and that back&forth flooding / tidal flooding is better than always-submerged, however submersion aside- wouldn't you avoid doing styling in winter? He was bringing it to a club so it makes all the sense in the world in that context IE it's not bad/worrisome/hurting it, am just curious if it's optimal (IE to discern if he was doing it then because it was a good time in his eyes, or if it was a bit sooner to make it for the club), my understanding & intuition would be that the styling should be done right around / right before bud-break, would love to hear Bill's or anyone's thoughts on these curiosities!