Imperial Masterpiece
Don't know yet what maple species these are : I visited an arboretum last November, and collected seeds that I put in different pockets but I didn't label them (had no pen, can you imagine!).
They are not Acer palmatum, they could be A. caesium (no good for bonsai), A. griseum (NGFB), A. cappadocicum (NGFB), A. davidii (NGFB).
When I say "No Good For Bonsai"; it's not to deter anyone to try : but I still think it's better to use species with small, non-compound leaves
But as "patio plants", and even "niwaki-like", it's great to have many maples (*).
(*)" Compulsive hoarding" of a kind
French: " Syllogomanie"
Deutsch: "Messie-Syndrom"
Nederlands : "Verzamelstoornis"

They are not Acer palmatum, they could be A. caesium (no good for bonsai), A. griseum (NGFB), A. cappadocicum (NGFB), A. davidii (NGFB).
When I say "No Good For Bonsai"; it's not to deter anyone to try : but I still think it's better to use species with small, non-compound leaves

But as "patio plants", and even "niwaki-like", it's great to have many maples (*).

(*)" Compulsive hoarding" of a kind
French: " Syllogomanie"
Deutsch: "Messie-Syndrom"
Nederlands : "Verzamelstoornis"