
  1. BonsaiButler

    Multi trunk wild plum

    Yet another yamadori prunus. had this for a couple seasons, thought the shape/trunks were interesting.
  2. BonsaiButler

    New yamadori

    Hi there everyone, been a little while since I've posted something. found a new spot with some very promising material. The species is Ceanothus cuneatus. I ended up with like eight of them. From what little information I could find, they can only spread their seeds by wildfire. Also I read that...
  3. markyscott

    Collected Yaupon

    Not sure how many of us grow Yaupon, but I think they're really great - small leaves, twiggy habit, and bud back well from old wood. They like it hot - there is an abundance of collectible material all over. The biggest challenge with collecting them is that they tend to grow stick straight...
  4. BonsaiButler

    English Ivy Pictures

    Here's a few pictures I took tonight of my English ivy. I have had this tree for about five and a half years now collected as urban yamadori. One thing I like about this Ivy is the leaves seem to reduce quite well. If anyone has any pictures of some examples of Ivy bonsai feel free to post them...
  5. BonsaiButler

    Multi trunk willow

    Here is one of the willows I have been working on for the last year. I collected it at the beginning of summer last year and let it grow wild (It grew very fast). After the leaves fell I thought I would try to put some wire on it and begin sorting out some of the numerous branches, and try to...
  6. BonsaiButler

    Common Ash

    here is a crazy ash I found growing in a rock crevice beside the creek on my uncles property. It seems growing in a crack like that forced the trunk to bulge out, It has really good taper although hard to see in the photos.This tree was collected in the middle of august this year and the bucket...
  7. Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    The other side!
  8. Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    Big Urban Yamadori Boxwood

    I collected this tree from a home built in 1898 in old town San Jose about 6 months ago. Took me three hours because all the roots had grown under the side walk and of course the owner did not want the side walk damaged. Its about three feet tall and the base is 6 to 7 inches wide...I look...
  9. Sycamore a work in progress Shohin size

    Sycamore a work in progress Shohin size

    Sycamore from Yamadori Stock Shohin 8" tall still a work in progress have carved out the large latteral tap root removed on left of picture. tree was growing in 1" of ash no soil at all at least 25-30 year old stunted by harsh growing conditions. reduced from approx height...
  10. Betula species (Silver Birch)

    Betula species (Silver Birch)

    Collected Yamadori Stock 2nd place in Mame/Shohin up to 9" class (9 in class) Scottish Bonsai Association National Show 2009
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